The Goya Surf beginner extension presents the easiest way to achieve the zero position of your recommended sail specs in combination with a Goya Surf mast. This is a no frills design paired with a sturdy low-friction pulley system. Its soft rounded shape guarantees your kids won’t bruise their feet when learning new moves dancing around the mast.
This straight forward and simple zero-extension is designed to be used with Goya Surf beginner masts in combination with adjustable sail tops. Available in RDM 0.
With Goya we offer the entirety of rig components under one name. Goya Windsurfing Components. And just as do for grown up girls and boys, we do for the little ones. Goya Surf.
Boards, sails, masts, booms and now even a dedicated extension all match to complete a cohesive system. Goya Surf.
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