80% Carbon. This is a super light and super quick mast with an incredibly nice feeling. A mere split second softer than our Ninety Pro, and lighter, it is bound to be an instant best seller, worldwide.
80% carbon is the highest carbon content allowed in some key magazine tests, and we are confident it will excel in every single one. What‘s so attractive about the Eighty Pro is its lighter weight compared to the previous year Ninety Pro.
It‘s Diagonal Flex™ that allows the Eighty Pro to both bend to amazing curves twist extremely lively while in such contortions. Working in direct synergy with Goya Windsurfing sail design.
Available in 310, 340, 370, 400, 430, 460, 490 centimeters.
Comes in Diagonal Flex™ technology.
Peel Ply anti-slip boom area prevents sliding.
Built with same length sections for easy handling.
Ultra Pro, Hundred Pro, Eighty Pro, Seventy, Fifty are interchangeable with each other, all lengths, all carbon contents, RDM only.
Ninety Pro is interchangeable within itself, all lengths.
The space below is yours to share your thoughts. Find existing reviews below. Asterisks denote required fields.
Title: ----------
Bonjour à toute l'équipe GOYAWINDSURF,
Bonjour Francisco, bonjour Keith,
Hello to the whole GOYAWINDSURF team,
Hi Francisco, Hi Keith,
Profil 57 ans - 92 kg – 1,78 - Spot NAXOS Glyfada (Greece - Cyclades) et LEUCATE (France).
Après une année de réflexion, c’est fait, tout mon matériel est devenu GOYAWINDSURF, pour mon plus grand bonheur.
Profile 57 years - 92 kg- 1,78 - Spot NAXOS Glyfada (Greece Cyclades) and LEUCATE (France).
After a year of reflection, it’s done, all my equipment has become GOYAWINDSURF, for my greatest happiness.
GOYA One 3 Carbon 95l – 115 l
GOYA Eclipse X Pro 3,7 - 4,2 - 4,7 - 5,3
GOYA Mast 90 Pro RDM 400 - Mast 80 Pro RDM 370
GOYA Carbon Pro 140-190
Sails :
Je pratique le windsurf depuis 35 années et j’ai toujours été très sensible à la qualité de construction du matériel et c’est mon côté technicien concepteur qui m’a fait choisir GOYAWINDSURF.
I have been practicing windsurfing for 35 years and I have always been very sensitive to the quality of construction of the equipment and it is my technical side designer who made me choose GOYAWINDSURF.
En premier, le nombre, la qualité et le positionnement des panneaux et des « vrais » renforts, le nombre de coutures, les voiles sont d’une grande qualité fabrication et pour un prix d’achat correct.
Ne changer rien car c’est le top du top ! Et les couleurs sont géniale.
First of all the number, the quality and the positioning of the panels and the «real» reinforcements, the number of seams, the sails are of a high manufacturing quality and for a correct purchase price.
Do not change anything because it is the top of the top! And colors are great.
Puis, la facilité de réglage au pied de mat et le double œillet à l’écoute offre une grande plage de réglage, tout est bien pensé.
L’Eclipse X Pro est douce et puissante, avec un bon réglage de boot de harnais on ressent le lit du vent, c’est une merveille.
Then, the ease of adjustment at the foot mast and the double eyelet offers a large range of adjustment, everything is well thought out.
The Eclipse X Pro is soft and powerful, with a good harness boot setting you can feel the wind, it is a wonder.
Boards :
Merci à Keith, la GOYA One 3 Carbon 95 ce n’est que du bonheur, j’ai la sensation de voler en douceur sur l’eau que ce soit dans la houle ou dans un clapot compliqué. Cette planche demande un réglage au pied de mat soigné.
La GOYA One 3 Carbon 115 est utilisé par mon fils de 16 ans qui est débutant et qui en est très content.
Thanks to Keith, the GOYA One 3 Carbon 95 is only happiness, I have the sensation of flying smoothly on the water whether in the swell or in a complicated choppy. This board requires a careful adjustment to the mast foot.
The GOYA One 3 Carbon 115 is used by my 16 year old son who is a beginner and is very happy with it.
Bravo pour l’esprit GOYAWINDSURF : qualité de construction, sobriété écologique (pas de nouveau modèle de voile ou de planche chaque année) mais une production réfléchie … Et un plaisir infini en navigation.
Merci à vous tous, big up Francisco, big up Keith !
Congratulations for the GOYAWINDSURF spirit: quality of construction, ecological sobriety (no new model of sail or board every year) but a thoughtful production … And infinite pleasure in navigation.
Thank you all, big up Francisco, big up Keith!
Hello Jason, I am very stoked with the new Banzai's, weight reduction is so significant and they have an amazing range. I will order new masts for my quiver, previosly I use both 2019 rdm pro 85 and 100, I am a light rider 66kg, so they have significance differences in feeling; with a 85 pro rdm felt a lot softer and forgiving when compared with 100, I feel more comfortable with 85.
Now with GOYA's new mast range, what do you suggest? can we have a similar approach when choosing a mast? lighter riders: 80 pro & heavier guys 100 pro ? We do not have a heavy shorebreak here in Turkey, so mostly riding small waves to bump'n jump conditions, and what about the "ULTRA"? Could it be an alternative?
Thank you...
Hi Jason,
Thanks to Fransisco for the email below.
Jason, are my neilpryde rdm masts 100% 430 400 370 and 340 the same as the goya masts?
Wil the banzai sail the same with these masts or wil the goya masts be better?
Thank you very much!
Alex Damen
Hi Alex,
Thank you for the mail sorry for the delay in replying!
I don’t know about the NP masts, I can’t say anything directly about them unless I bend/test them myself, which I have not done.
In these “control” mast lengths- 340, 370, mast bend is important. If you use a mast that is too stiff in the top/soft in the bottom- the most common tendency on other brands’ masts, then a Goya sail will not perform its best- you will get 80% of the potential performance from our sails. Workable, but not ideal, and a lost opportunity.
Hope this info helps…
thank you
Hello Francisco,
my homespot is a lake in my hometown. I am also planning trips to Holland.
Yours Martin
Hello Martin,
For the lake, you could go with 100% or Ultra(this last one is very fragile to impact, so you have to be careful with it outside the water). To handle the Holland shorebreak, I would go with an 80%; this is the one that I use on Maui also.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you & All the best!
Very please with these! I was surprised by how light they were and worked really well with the smaller rigs.
The smallest masts are often disappointing in range since they are often just a ‘sawn off’ version of the larger size but these are excellent!