Cyril Moussilmani

National Teamrider.

Year of birth. 22 December 1979
Height. 196 cm
Weight. 94 kg
Hometown. La Ciotat
Home spot. Marseille, La Coudou, Carro
Sponsors. Goya, Quatro, KT, MFC
What makes your ride? Just making one nice waveriding on a nice wave or a big jump is enought to make my ride.
What is your most memorable session? One ofcthe winter session in Marseille in 50-60knots
What’s your magic gear and when did you realize it? My Goya Quad with any Banzai sail. I mange to land moves, I was landing hardly before and now everything is easy.
Dream trip. I will love to go Maurice, one of the place i never been.