Over the years we have encouraged everybody to get into bigger board sizes. This new line is our response to the very demand we have pioneered. Fresh tail shapes evolve through the line, starting with smaller Crescent tails, growing in width into the middle of the range and turning into Squash tails for
the two big shapes.
Standing only 6” from the tail creates a geometry that allows you to ride the Custom like a surfboard. Shorter outlines, straighter stance rails and narrower tails define the dynamic of these sticks. Concaves run throughout the bottom in ever changing geometry, allowing you to accelerate toward the pocket with no resistence.
All new shapes will blow you away with speed, while Crescent and Squash tails allow for unparalleled turns packed with torque. A back foot just six inches from the tail allows you to rule all that power.
When Marcilio Browne and Francisco Goya claimed their PWA Wave World Championships, the board shapes they were riding had been developed both for them and by them. Each of them played a major role in their engineering. This current wave board range is no different. Their personal style and athletic talent is directly reflected in these boards, the same boards that you and so many others are now choosing to ride.
The forgiving yet radical nature of these boards is the secret to making them so special. They are not just about launching into big jumps and extreme wave maneuvers, their design also allows you to land with elegance and style. The same style that Francisco and Marcilio have made famous.
Unbiased praise and criticism straight from the press.
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TESTTEST GOYA CUSTOM QUAD 2016 By lorenzo | 11 febbraio 2016 0 Comments
Durante la mia recente trasfertina a Pozo Izquierdo, Gran Canaria , ho avuto modo di utilizzare le tavole Goya Custom Quad 2016; ho pensato quindi di raccontarvi come è andata, con il solito stile della chiacchierata informale tra amici, nessuna velleità tecnica ;-). Io ho usato due volumi l’86 ed il 96 , ammetto che inizialmente ero un po’ contrariato da questo salto, non conoscevo lo spot ed il vento non era poi così forte, in virtù del mio peso avrei preso un 90-92 lt al massimo; 86 mi sembravano pochi e 96 tremendamente troppi… Seguendo i consigli dello staff sono uscito prima con il 96, per prendere confidenza con spot e attrezzatura, poi nel primo pomeriggio con l’aumentare del vento sono passato all’87 ; il secondo giorno invece, visto che il vento era più leggero e le previsioni lo annunciavano in calo, ho tenuto il 96 tutto il giorno; vele 4.7 il primo giorno , 5.0 il secondo.
Iniziamo subito con il dire che le tavole sono molto simili, differiscono soprattutto per la galleggiabilità, ma il comportamento in acqua è pressapoco lo stesso. Mi sento però di affermare che se l’86 è una gran bella tavola, il 96 è strepitoso… mi spiego meglio: io di trovarmi bene in mare, in condizioni di vento e onda con una tavola quad ( adoro questo assetto) che ha qlc litro in meno del mio peso me lo aspetto, quasi lo pretendo da una tavola “del 2016 ” ( nel senso da una tavola dei giorni nostri) . Mentre di trovarmi forse anche meglio, con uno zatterone di 96 litri proprio non me lo aspettavo, il 96 surfa come una tavola di 10 litri in meno, nei miei miseri e bassissimi salti rimane controllabile, e offre quel surplus di galleggiabilità e sicurezza che mettono sereni in spot rognosi, difficili e che magari non conosciamo ancora.
I Custom Quad Goya sono macchine da surfata, anche con il vento onshore impostare il bottom correttamente era un gioco da ragazzi, mantenere velocità mentre con i piedi storti e la bugna in avanti si andava a cercare il lip da colpire era più facile che perderla… nel momento tipico “dell’entrata”, nel cutback, la tavola spruzza radicalità e inverte la direzione in un niente. Sicuramente queste tavole sono state l’ingrediente in più che ha permesso la perfetta riuscita del mio weekend . In giro ci sono tantissime tavole buone, alcune ottime; ad altre invece sembra che nel miscelare le resine abbiano aggiunto un pizzico di magia… questi Goya sono fra queste ultime…
Lorenzo Windcam
The custom quad 68 is the most fun board I,ve owned in 35 years of windsurfing!used it the first time during Gale Force conditions on the eastern Great Lakes!3.4@3.0 sails 2.5m waves love from the first reach out thru the shore break !quick to plane turns unreal goes upwind like a bandit!can,t wait to use 2.7 on it?highly recommended to light weights or women!thank you Francisco!
I just bought The Goya One in Tarifa and I couldn't be happier after two days in the water. Conditions were extreme, with wind gusts approaching 60 knots. I was saling 3.3m sail and my 85L board, and my weight is 85 kilos. I was impressed how it responded in the water, where it seemed I was sailing a 78L. It was glued to the water when needed, but takes off like a feather when jumping. Amazing speed and amazing behaviour in chopi! Probably the best board I've ridden over the last years! Thank you Francisco, Lalo and team for the great work!
Hi Francisco & crew:
I have just bought a a Custom 80, which will be my unique gear for strong wind (sails 3.4 to 4.7). I will enjoy my brand new toy in Tarifa, mostly with side-off gusty strong choppy Levante (east) conditions.
I tried the 80 and the 86. Due to my weight (72-76 kg) I opted for the 80, but I was extremely impressed with the 86 performance in strong (30-50 knots) conditions.
I have to congratulate the shaper as I truly think this is a real change (and not marketing oriented) in R&D. That explains why all my friends (Paco 74&86, Rich 86, Ingo 74 and Ruben 86) are happy Goya customers now.
No review here but would be fine to hear about the 68` .. someone has feedback ? at wich weight and wind should it be the best option ?
I got out on your 80 Liter Custom Quad and a 4.2 Banzai at the Wall. What a fantastic setup I LOOOOOVE that board. I can't get over how well it turns while remaining super FAST! It was great in the air too! Excellent work!
Wow amazing board, nice to be wave sailing with lower winds. Got myself the Custom 106, suprised about the small fins but they work ????!
Goya 80 quad: the best wave board I ever had in 30 years of windsurfing.
Hi Francisco,
feedback from the board. It takes allways a big smile in my face if i ride the Quad at home Lake Brombachsee, easy planning, good in chops or in Sardinien where the rails are dreamly. Lay down was for me a very new big feeling.
Thanks a lot for creating perfect boards
We wish you and your family a peaceful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Always with a smiling face on your board
Klaus & Sabine
Hey guys,
was in Maui for a couple weeks. First couple days were crazy windy and I used the 2015 Custom 78 and it was fun.
But for the rest of my vacation, I was lucky enough to get a brand new Custom 86. It felt great. Very easy to ride and controllable. First couple times I had to get used to the back strap being so far back but quickly got used to it.
The board planed early, was very controllable and felt great for jumping. But the standout was the grip in the turns.
Overall great board.
Hey guys
Loving both boards and sails this year. Boards are fast and so easy to
ride, top end is great on the sails - everything feels very
Little gopro video of jolliffe road:
Hope you guys are well?
Since I got the 2016 gear in September I had the chance to sail the boards and every sail size here in the Gorge and Ocean conditions. And I have to say I'm stoked. Plus I got lots of attention at the beaches from many guys seeing the Goya gear and asking lots of questions!
Love the Fringe. These sails cover just perfect my needs. Having Jason close by is great as well so we can exchange feedbacks anytime if needed.
The boards (have the Custom Quad 74 & 80 at this point) are very close to the customs I sailed. They work super for me at the coast and at the Gorge. Quick on planing feel direct with plenty of grip through the turns and at the same time loose enough for sliding maneuvers. First I was a bit concerned because the lower tail rocker compared to the boards I was used to sail. But I have to say I'm positive surprised how good they feel. For me a perfect compromise between Ocean conditions and more choppy sailing here at the Gorge. Great job guys!
Try to plan a trip to Maui sometimes in February...
Aloha from the Gorge,
This month i has been sailing with the Quad 96 and the 86 in Side on conditions . Give please my congratulations to the shaper of this boards , i think is Keith . I like boards with a good performance going onto plane and good speed but with control and good turning in the bottom. This boards are fantastic in all the points the two are lively . For me are the perfect boards for here Mallorca Island. I don´t know how you can improve the board.
The 96 used with 5,4 and 5.0 are great .Today the 86 has sailed with 4.5 A friend of mine and me think that the 86 have less volume than the indicated . Is possible ?. The 96 with less wind and 5,4 is used with twin configuration on 17,5 cm..
have you great wind and waves.
Thanks and regards
You know what i think of the 106 🙂 just multiple that by 1000 for the 86. Pretty much straight out da box I "added water" as you txt-Ed and the very first wave I score with it was logo+. 🙂 The board is butter, turns so hard, fast and easy. Slicing and dicing is back! Great acceleration in a straight line, and out of a turn, easy to float in underpowered conditions. Short length not a problem, instead big bonus as the board is more responsive and agile.
Together with the fringe the new gear has never put a bigger smile on my face. It already starts when I open my van and pull my gear out: regardless of the conditions I know my session will be good.
Thanks guys!!
Hi Guys,
I've used Goya Custuom 80 2016 in Mauritius august/september 2015, from side to side off conditions, full power waves, strong wind and light wind the board is great!!! Super surfing more big waves more better. I use it winth smaller fins 25 cm. You can do a lot of bottom turn with this board in mode auto pilot. Is a radikal board but very easy to use. What impressed me is that you can yuse it also in Oneye where the waves are super fast and the wind is side/side off.
I've used this board also in total onshore conditions and strong wind from 35 to 45 konts, well the boards is ok, you can surfing onshore and fly high wih yours jumps.
Hey Guys ,
Just to let you know, I'm riding the production board 86 again here in France and felt super fun .
The wind was dead onshore and i was super stoked with the board on the backside carvs and hits on the white water . feels safe and secure hitting the lip and also releases tail very well .
Thanks a lot
Hi guys
Al least i could sail with my 96 . The season was perfect and the board surprised because is like you are riding a 85ltrs board .
I sail with a 5.4 that will be the max size i will put on it because i have bought the board for more wind.
The wind blows with too much gusting and this demonstrated the potential to go onto planed early. Little waves but i could feel the capacity to turn and its agility
Hi Guys, just to let you know I have had 6 sessions on the new 106 and its ace! This board makes me smile and I cannot get enough of it.
Its on loan from the shop but its not going back!
Here is a pic from yesterday . Heading down the line to the Steelworks in South Wales.
Inline image
Thanks for making great boards for us bigger guys.
Yep, all is very well. I finally had an awesome session on my new Goya Custom 106 at waddell on Sunday: logo+ west swell and perfect wind for 5.3 Fringe (I am borrowing Rich' sails now since I have already sold all my sails, expecting to have the new once by now... more about that later).
I'd already used the 106 a few times at 3rd Ave in the channel for B&J gorge style conditions in some nice rollers, where it works fantastic btw. But, I wanted of course to get my hands dirty on some solid waves. And Sunday, finally, presented those conditions. It took me a few waves to get used to the quad feeling again, after having been on thrusters for almost 2yrs now, but this board is some mean machine. The harder you push the better it works. It wants to be railed, kicked, throttled. Don't be shy with it. Once I got it dialed in, it was balls to the walls. Or as some told me later "you got some super nice hits!". 🙂 What I like about the board is that it's so predictable. It really has that Francisco feeling in it; butter smooth, grace, controlled, but powerful.
The short length was getting used to as one needs to be further back on the board or it will nose dive. But, it planes up early enough, great speed, amazing control and carves so easy. Floats well, as long as you're back. Great wind range; 4.7 not a problem. What really surprises me is that it absolutely never feels like a 106. Especially not in big waves or OP-ed. It always feels much smaller.
IMHO this is probably the easiest, turniest, smoothest, powerful, best looking 100+ liter wave board I've ever had. I am so stoked to be back on the quad as it allows IMHO my style (as some call me the "slicer and dicer") more so than a Thruster. I can't wait for the 86. The graphics are fantastic, but IMHO the board can be sanded down to save additional weight. That's the only "negative" I have.
The past 2 days were beyond anything I've ever sailed with. I tried and almost nailed my first wave 360s thanks to the 106!!! wohoooo