
National Teamrider.

Hometown. Florence, Italy
Home spot. Hookipa Maui, HI & Haakgat CapeTown, SA
Sponsors. Goya Boards, Goya sails, 211 Component, MFC , EskyFlavor, CitySurfTirrenia, Teva
A few words about yourself. Blessed to live a wonderful life! My goal is to be healthy as much as possible to continue to live this dream!
What makes your ride? The feeling to be in contact with mother nature, the feeling of freedom , the beauty and power to enjoy my wonderful sport: Windsurfing!!!
How much do you love to windsurf? As much as my personal life!!!
What is your most memorable session? Franckly there is not… my windsurf life is a memorable session… from the beginning!
What inspires you? Almost everything captures my attention in normal life, I try fo keep these micro details on my mind and remember them in case I need it, I am very interested in animals and mother nature!!!
Describe your gear and the conditions you use it in. I ride two Goya Custom boards, my choice is the 85L for all light conditions and the 79L for a regular and strong conditions. I ride the Fringe 3 battens, my full set starts from 4,0 to 5,0, super stoked on my exclusive white custom color!!! The best conditions are to jump in the ocean and have fun. If I can choose, for sure, side-sideoff to ride the waves as much as possible!
What does riding for Goya mean to you? I am a very strong believer that the Goya brand  have the most advanced windsurfing tools in the market, I feel so honored and proud to use this stuff that is tested and developed by the best riders in the world. I found perfection in each sail I used until now and the new 3 battens Fringe is really an amazing emotion!!!