Julien Taboulet

International Teamrider.

Hometown. Leucate
Home spot. Les culs nu
Sponsors. Goya Windsurfing / Quatro / MFC / Quiksilver / Sosh / Leucate
What makes your ride? Feeling the water under your feet, the power of the wind in your hands, this is awesome!
How much do you love to windsurf? Windsurfing is all my life, I am sharing my passion as much as I can, from the Wesh Center Crew (our windsurfing club in Leucate) to any spot in the world.
What is your most memorable session? So much sessions, just one “crazy” wave could make you happy for the rest of the day!
What inspires you? The love of my family & my friends.
Describe your gear and the conditions you use it in. If I have to choose one board & 3 sails for making everything, it would be the Custom 86 & Fringe 4.2/4.7/5.3.
What does riding for Goya mean to you? Francisco & all is crew are so much in love with windsurfing, from the R&D to the water, I am so proud to ride this fantastic stuff, I am feeling like home.