Hometown. | Klitmøller, Denmark |
Home spot. | Various spots around Klittiland !! |
Sponsors. | Goya |
A few words about yourself. | Lucky guy with at wonderful little family I love and enjoy very much. |
What makes your ride? | Well a few things cross my mind when I get that question! First the completely cool feeling it was to start planning on a windsurfer I remember it as one of the nicest things I ever tried, and it is still the same state of mind it brings back when I hit the water now!! Secondly the variation that Wind, Water and Waves can bring from Danish winter sailing in 0 degrees to boardshorts perfection in warm turquoise water, plus all the states in between. Third it is the meditative feeling you get on the water and when you get out again. |
How much do you love to windsurf? | It means a lot, just moved 400 km away to enjoy the quality of wind and waves in western Denmark. Just being able to do this sport brings a smile on my face. |
What is your most memorable session? | There are so many… here is a few: Davenport landing, Cali. 4.7 sideshore and 4 meter rollers down the point that turned into a super nice spitting lip on the sandbar plus cold water, seals, kelp and the possibility of sh…. Made it a good total experience. Agger, Denmark this summer with 4.7/4.1 and soooooooo nice waves from 2-4 meter and blue skies…. First time in Hookipa was serious fun/exciting as well. Every time on the water is the best ever. |
What inspires you? | All the cool people I sail with, known and unknown its always good to see rad action!! |
Describe your gear and the conditions you use it in. | And nice little range of Eclipse 2011 (3.7-4.2-4.7-5.3) plus 2 Goya custom twinfin boards (74-89) This stuff just rocks my world and is a perfect match for the north sea conditions I live in, simple easy and radical plus it fits as a glove into a VW Polo from ´82. |
What does riding for Goya mean to you? | Well being on the Goya gear means that I am 100% sure to ride stuff that passionate and creative minds have put a lot of effort in!! From the very first Goya wave 84 (in 2005 I think) I was sold! It was pure surf out of the box and the gear just got better and better……. You can actually feel that this company got soul, so when they got a new and passionate importer in Denmark I just wanted to buy their stuff straight away. Best wishes to all you guys and girls out there. |