Nikodem Merlak

National Teamrider.

Hometown. Gorzow Wielkopolski
Home spot. Lake Miedwie, Sopot
Sponsors. Goya Windsurfing, MFC Hawaii, Surfoteka, DaKine, O’Neill
A few words about yourself. I come from a small town gorzow wielkopolski that is few hours away from Baltic Sea. I chase the wind since childhood. Few years ago I moved to Sopot that is located very close to Poland’s best wavespots. On a daily basis I work in Surfoteka shop, duistributor of Goya Windsurfing. I compete on national level and few Times I competed in PWA (first stop in Denmark in 2012). I hope I will be able to compete again in PWA one day.
How much do you love to windsurf? For me windsurfing is more than just a hobby or competition side. It is more of a lifestyle and addiction. There is nothing more beatiful than waves, wind and being out there.
What is your most memorable session? I had lots of them. The best ones are those when there is a few day forecast and all of the family and friends arrive and sail together. However one of the most memorable of them all were the sessions I had with my grandfather (R.I.P.) and my fother and friends. My grandpa was shooting photos, he ha dan incredible timing for that. These were some of the best moments on the water. Conditions didn’t really matter and didn’t have to be perfect. Every minute on the water mattered and gave loads of fun.
What’s your dream quiver? Currently Goya Custom Quad 89 and 79, Banzais ranging from 5.3 to 3.4 with 90% Goya masts and of course a Skinny carbon boom and MFC fins!
What does riding for Goya mean to you? Being a team rider to me means using the same equipment as best shapers and riders in the world.That makes me feel obliged to constantly raise my level and learn new things. It is very motivating for me to be able to work with the same brand with best riders in the world who are true soul riders as well.