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The Nexus B is our new flagship Freeride sail, and it is with pride that we say this brilliant all-around model now offers you a lot less than before – weight that is.
The Nexus B underwent a strict diet, turning an already excellent light wind Freeride sail into a tool for making the most out of any available condition, low wind or high wind.
An all-around masterpiece, the Nexus B puts its number one priority on pure and simple fun.
It is the best sail choice for power, speed and maneuvers in conditions ranging from flat water to bump and jump, and a touch of surf.
The heart and soul of freeride windsurfing is realized in the Nexus B. Excellent low-end power, stability and easy control, blazing speed, big jumps and hard carving maneuvers, the Nexus B will deliver beautifully on all of the above. The light, easy handling of the Nexus B makes light wind sailing more fun and also makes powered up sailing more comfortable. Smaller sizes of the Nexus B are now cut with higher foots for tight maneuvering, and larger sizes are cut more for low-end power and speed. Built to last, it features our all of our finest construction details for a long life in real world conditions.
The Nexus B continues to be a tester and customer favorite year in and year out, and the 2022/23 design continues to push the core concept of pure fun, performance and quality in a fun, freeride design.
RDM or SDM compatible on all sizes, except 4.9
The new Goya Windsurfing sails now come packed in recycled cardboard and paper tape only. No redundant plastic bags. Your sail bag is that protective bag, keeping your planet, our planet, one step cleaner. We figured it’s a worthy trade off, as our love for windsurfing and the planet only grows.
Monofilm window, Bi-Ply and Scrim panels.
Available in 4,9, 5,4, 5,9, 6,4, 6,9, 7,4 square meters.
Available in Fluo Yellow & Pink.
La Nexus B est notre nouveau produit phare dans la gamme de voiles Freeride. Nous sommes fiers de vous annoncer que ce modèle polyvalent est maintenant beaucoup plus léger qu’avant.
La Nexus B a subi un régime strict qui l’a transformé en un outil qui vous servira à tirer un maximum de quelconques condition, par vent léger ou vent fort.
Étant un chef-d’œuvre très complet, la priorité de la Nexus B demeure le plaisir pur et simple.
C’est la meilleure option de voile pour la puissance, la vitesse et les manœuvres, autant sur un plan d’eau plat que pour du bump and jump, ou même un peu de surf.
Le cœur et l’âme de la planche à voile se réalisent dans la Nexus B. En effet, la voile délivre une excellente puissance à bas régime, de la stabilité et un contrôle facile, une vitesse fulgurante, permettant d’envoyer des sauts, du carving et de solides manœuvres. La maniement léger et facile de la Nexus Pro rend la navigation plus amusante par vent faible et plus confortable par vent fort. Les petites tailles sont maintenant coupées avec moins de surface sous le wish, pour des manœuvres plus serrées, alors que les grandes voiles ont plus de surface sous le wish pour plus de vitesse et de la puissance à bas régime. Construite pour durer, elle présente les meilleurs détails de construction pour plus de durabilité.
La Nexus B est la voile préférée de nos clients et continue d’évoluer, le design 2022/23 reste toujours dans l’esprit d’un concept de qualité qui est performant tout en restant fun pour du pur plaisir en Freeride.
RDM / SDM compatible sur toutes les tailles, sauf pour la 4,9.
Fenêtre Monofilm, Panneaux Bi-Ply & Scrim.
Disponible en 4,9, 5,4, 5,9, 6,4, 6,9, 7,4 mètres carrés.
Disponible en Jaune Fluo & Rose.
5.9 Squaremeters.
Both sails are virtually the same, weight wise, and also regarding performance and feel. Nexus B, the augmented Bi-Ply version, is more visual and colorful, as well as durable, due to its increased Bi-Ply UV resistance and longevity. Nexus, the regular Monofilm version, comes as the “less is more” option, visually, while its film should be handled with a touch more attention and care, especially over time.
Rope alignment guide for Goya sails paired with Goya extensions.
Unbiased praise and criticism straight from the press.
The space below is yours to share your thoughts. Find existing reviews below. Asterisks denote required fields.
Enhorabuena por la marca Goya, por las buenas emociones y vibes que nos trae dentro y fuera del agua.
This is the handling with 430 xo is a ccwith few flex
.top is modereting open
Aloha Jean, as you can see, this mast is slightly softer at the bottom and stiffer at the top.
This reduces the outhaul range, as it becomes flatter around the boom area while making those two lower battens sit further away from the mast.
While riding, you will see more wrinkles around the boom area as the tension at the bottom of the sail decreases while the top of the sail increases, reducing the upper leech opening/twist and speed/recovery.
Not terrible, but it’s not ideal. If this is what you are seeing and feeling, and if it is a possibility for your budget, then it would make sense to use our mast; it would not only make your Nexus sail perform at its best, but it will also do the same to any other sail out there.
All the best,
We have been enjoying riding the new gear this year. We took a trip to Bonaire for the 1st time, and rented gear from the Dunkerbeck center specifically to try the Goya stuff. First, that is a magical place for flat-water cruising! We had good wind the week there and got to sail everything from 5.3-7.4. I was duly impressed with the gear, and have to say one of the most memorable & surprising sessions was on the last day when the wind had dropped off. I decided to rig big and take a last sail before leaving the next day on a Carrera 130 & Nexus 7.4. I hadn\'t sailed gear that big in a long time, but had an absolute blast. I believe the larger 5 battened recreational sails to be one of the most challenging to design and build well given its natural constraints. Hats off to Jason & the team though, as that was a very impressive sail. I tried a couple of the other brands side by side against it just to see if all sails had become that good, but it really stood out with its balance, power, and stability. It was good coming home knowing we were getting into some great sails.
I ended up going all in with sails from 3.7-6.6, masts, and four boards. I figure no time like the present, right. Boards like the Quad 89 I assumed would just rip, which it does, & the Volar 110 virtually jibes itself, but the big stand-out is the One3 105. Hands down, one of the most fun boards I have ever sailed! I had tried one of the older versions in Bonaire, and honestly was not super impressed. It was decent, but felt very traditional in terms of planing up and quickness. The new version feels very updated & does everything amazingly well. I\'ve sailed it lit 4.7 up to 5.9, and can\'t wipe the smile off after sailing it!
Here\'s a pic from our last sail of the year Dec 12th - water temp was in the 40\'s, air temp in the 30\'s, occasionally snowing, but blowing 20-30. I probably would not have gone, but my son was home from school & really wanted to get a session. Man, I am glad we went - super fun session with him & a friend on the water!
I hope you are well, and enjoying the holidays. I just wanted to say hello, and let you know all the hard work you & the Goya team have put in on the \'22/\'23 gear is appreciated.
Warm regards,
Goya Nexus 5,9 and Goya Bolt 127
I love my new combo from goya. The Nexus gives me the feeling of good old freeride. And the Bolt pleasures my race ambitions. Optical a touch of Maui on Fehmarn Germany 🙂 Regards Nils
I have this Nexus 5.9, year 2019 and now the new 2022. As every year, this sail is perfect for freeriding (for instance with the Bolt 117 or the One 95) and also for free race (with the Bolt 117, Mark is faster, that is obvious) and always is my first choise on almost every wind condition and spot (including small wave riding when sailing in the sea and the wind is no strong enough for the Banzai 4.7.).
Got my 7.4 nexus B to complete my new goya quiver. I matched the sail with 100per 460 ultra mast. The sail and mast are a great match for a light weight low wind option. Lots of low end and wind range .
Perfect match for my bonzai 6.3, 5.5 and 4.7
Absolutely great sail for various conditions! It works perfectly with Volar Pro.
Goya Nexus 5.9m and Carrera 130L review
Posted on February 18, 2015 by Tez Plavenieks
During a recent trip to Lanazarote I got the opportunity to check out some top drawer Goya freeride windsurfing kit. As the NEly Trade Wind began to fill in a window of opportunity was gifted to me for trying out Goya’s 5.9m Nexus and Carrera 130L combo – here’s how they stacked up.
On the beach
Goya windsurf sails have a very distinct look and the Nexus is no different. With its high aspect cut and six batten configuration the 5.9mn looked ready for action and raring to go. Its perfect partner (for this particular session) a 2015 Goya Carrera 130L freeride sled was also itching to get wet and you could feel the need for speed crackling like electricity in the air.
Both sail and board are well built and super light offering the best balance of performance and robust versatility. Although on the day in question there was minimal (infamous) Costa Teguise shorebreak, we’re no doubt both bits of kit will stand up to a fair bit of abuse – although care should still be taken.
Rigging and tuning the Nexus 5.9m is a doddle and we found the sail set with middle of the road downhaul and outhaul. The Carrera 130L offered a variety of footstrap options meaning everyone from casual blasters to hungry speed demons will be satisfied.
On the water
Costa Teguise’s predominant wind direction is slightly side offshore and therefore very gusty in the bay. Add to the mix an annoyingly placed hotel complexand a couple of breakwaters, further faffing up the breeze, and a bit of extra float is always going to be welcome.
Getting out to the upwind reef, and main Costa Teguise sailing spot, was super easy with the Carrera 130L’s flat deck providing a stable and composed platform that progressing intermediates will find most welcome. The Nexus 5.9m’s reaction to buffeting gusts was also easy going and in the ‘on/off’ bay wind it remained stable in the hands without reacting unexpectedly.
Once at the wind line the true nature of this setup emerged. As soon as clean air filled the sail the acceleration of the Nexus 5.9m was instantaneous. Driving power down in to the 42cm fin and propelling the Carrera 130L up onto the plane in a flash I was off and redlining quick smart.Tez Plavenieks Goy Windsurfing kit testing Costa Teguise
At full chat it’s easy to locate outboard footstraps and in the blink of an eye the rider is skimming along at a fair rate of knots. Although the breeze was still filling in the Goya setup slid through lulls efficiently and accelerated as a new puff of wind hit.
The water state across the reef is quite choppy with Atlantic rolling swell pulsing along the fringes of the island. Potentially confused water states need composed windsurfing kit to make the rider comfortable and the Nexus 5.9m and Carrera 130L stayed flat and locked in at all times. Hurtling over chop and waves board and sail sailed straight and true, never once tail walking or feeling skittish.
As the first corner approached I was apprehensive about the wide (70.2”) Carrera and how it would cope with such a choppy sea – especially on the outside. I needn’t have feared though as once a rail is engaged the Goya cuts through the flotsam like a knife through butter. All the time the Nexus 5.9m drives the nose of the board flat and pushes it round the bend.
To replicate a more intermediate gybe I backed off the throttle a few times but the Goya’s sail and board combo still had me railing round the corner with ease.
Flying back towards shore in Costa Teguise delivers the opportunity of heading down slopey swells – thereby increasing your speed further. Although this set up isn’t full on slalom kit it still keeps on accelerating and experienced sailors will enjoy testing where the boundaries are.
Locking down the Nexus and Carrera is really achievable for most levels of rider, even when smashing through chop – before you know it you’ll be preparing for your next turn.
The Goya Nexus 5.9m and Carrera 130L is an extremely efficient freeride combo that delivers an exciting experience for a whole host of rider skill levels. Mid-intermediates will find it a great tutor for consolidating footsrap technique while advanced windsurfers will love unlocking the kit’s freerace potential. The only slight niggle was the high aspect nature of the Nexus sail which made it feel a tad bigger than 5.9m. That said it really is only a minor point and the pure joy of riding this gear far out ways anything else.
Nexus 7'5, genial! Dependiendo de los ajustes la vela tiene un rango enorme y es siempre cómoda en las manos. El manejo es como una vela de olas grande pero con las prestaciones de las mejores freerace. Me encanta, ahora quiero la 6'4....
Nexus 7'5' great! The different rigging options give the sail a huge range. Always comfortable, the handling is like a big wave sail but with the performance of the best freerace. I love it, now I want the 6'4...
Beautiful construction. Rigged perfectly on my Fiberspar 4200 SDM the first time according to the rigging guides on the sail. I purchased this sail to get a more maneuverable sail compared to the 7.5M 2 cam sail I have for flat water. This sail is very flickable for maneuvers but has good low end for getting onto the plane and is very stable lit up. Gives better acceleration than I was expecting in this size. Excellent so far.
Toda una sorpresa la Nexus 8,2 , No confiaba en una marca más dedicada a velas pequeñas y habíendo tenido otras marcas , al probar la Nexus me quedé impresionado ,. Se siente ligerísima y parece que llevas una medida mucho más pequeña. , buena combinación de freeride / Speed , otras marcas están más orientadas al Speed sacrificando el freeride.
Recientemente la he comprado también en 6,9.
Todo un acierto
Quite a surprise the Nexus 8.2, did not trust a brand more dedicated to small sails and having had other brands to test the Nexus was impressed,. It feels very light and seems to take a much smaller extent. , Good combination of freeride / Speed??, other brands are more oriented freeride Speed ??sacrificing you.
I also recently bought 6.9.
All a success
Aloha Francisco,
We are having a great time, we are having heaps of fun at the beach, I have been back to the store to get smaller kit, ( 3 times) , I am trying out some wave kit and love it, ( your gear is so well made, and the Nexus sails are the most solid stable no cam sails I have ever used ) It was cranking yesterday and I was fully lit up on a 5.3 guru and a one 106. ( although I need to get a handle on gybing the smaller kit with the more "on - off" of the smaller sails )
Thanks for your email and your unbelieveable great service and support all the way to Germany, another reason to ride Goya gear
Response: Hi Hans... thanks for the feedback. We\'re so happy your experience was a great one!