With two years of development to evolve from the previous boards chosen by Marcilio to ride on the PWA tour, we asked ourselves, could the Custom 4 Pro get any better? Yes, and they are now available.
The latest Custom 4 Pro from our world champions Marcilio Browne, Maria Morales, Marino Gil and Francisco Goya. The Custom 4 Pro is the ultimate Pro Model custom wave board, as it is not just the shape but the same off-the-shelf board our team chooses to ride and compete on.
The outline on these new quads grew slightly in the nose and tail areas. Compared to the previous generation, the rail profile has been filled on the nose and thinned towards the tail.
The new rockers were adjusted to balance those changes, incorporating a fast surfing rocker that can still fit into the curve of the wave, whilst maintaining the early planing that will accelerate into any ramp or turn.
Bottom shapes seamlessly transition from panel V below the mast foot for added rail to rail and off the top rebounds, to Double Concave between the stance for a faster slippery bottom shape and then fading into a Single Concave in the tail for the ultimate turns.
Rockers, inserts and constructions are customized to each size, suiting the rider and the conditions that the board will be used on, yet the Custom 4 Pro brings you the most rocker in the Goya Windsurfing board range.
Francisco Goya: What were you looking at getting from this new line? What triggered the design?
Marcilio Browne: I wanted the new boards to perform at their peak on a broader range of conditions. On the low end, each size had to handle a larger sail, feel less on-off, keep the flow at higher speeds and surprised me from being the first getting into a plane to my last turn on the wave, and across all conditions, from on-shore to double mast.
FG: What challenges did you come across along the development?
MB: The biggest challenge for these boards was balancing the outline between something that I could push hard on when the conditions started firing while reaching those great low-end perks. Once we got the outline, Keith started fine-tuning the rails and the volume distribution to bring it all together.
FG: What do you see differently on them?
The front of the board is fuller, giving me the confidence and forgiveness coming into any lip or diving nose-first from a back loop. The back rails are thinner, which allows me to come easily around the corners, even on the fastest bottom turns or for when I’m looking for a ramp at full speed over chop.
FG: What can we expect as we start riding on them?
This new line has an even better range than our previous models. They are more forgiving and only get easier to ride the faster and the bigger the waves get. They give me the confidence to keep accelerating into the move.
FG: How do you size them up with sails?
MB: With these new outlines, I can ride a smaller board with a larger sail, ideal for when the winds start getting lighter tours the end of the day, but the waves are only getting better. They also make me feel light and effortlessly the other way around, with a smaller sail and a larger board; This is my favourite set up for bump and jump, for when I’m looking for ramps but also wanting to maximise each wave and outlast those long summer days.
FG: Why not five boxes?
MB: Our concave bottom shape works best on Quad fins. Also, being a premium product, I wouldn’t want to add that extra weight and drag of the extra boxes.
FG: Any recommendation for straps/fin/mast setting?
MB: Play with it. I even ride them as Twins on the light smaller days when I want the board to flow and slide a bit more.
FG: When did you realise that you did your job?
MB: At some point after overflowing prototypes, I changed from driving home full of the ideas that I wanted to try to just want to have these boards on the back of my truck and go free sailing on them. That is when I knew that we had arrived.
Youth sizes (54 & 60): Inspired by the Goya Youth team and the 60 liter, a new 54-litre model has been added. We felt we had to make our favorite boards available to the growing groms with tighter straps, narrower stance, and a further back mast track position to better balance the lighter, smaller, and most advanced riders. Ideal rider weights up to 60kg. Team: Maria Morales.
Maria Morales Navarro E-737 Youth World Champion: Home spot: El Medano, Tenerife. The 54 used to be my go-to board, with the 60 litre being my light wind favorite. As I grew up in the last year, things shifted, and now my favorite board became the 68. I like the lightness, compact lengths and adjusted footstraps positions for riders my size.
Marino Gil E-959 Youth World Champion:
Home spot: Pozo, Gran Canaria. I travel around Morocco, Spain and the rest of Europe for freesailng and the world cup. I know that with the Custom 74 & 84, I can ride at my best in all the conditions these places can offer.
Smaller sizes & mid range (68 to 94 liters): Rockers remain in the mid-range between 30mm to 20mm of tail rocker with small to medium rail thickness, with a growing stance from the smaller to the larger sizes. Boards are used from our growing Youth World Champions to our Wave World Champions and Jaws riders. Team: Maria, Marino, Luc, Marcilio.
XL sizes (104 & 114): Ideal for float and ride mode or for ultimate speed and low end with almost 1cm less of tail release than the smaller siblings, the 104 and 114 carry the agility of the smaller sizes into the XXL range. Team: Marcilio, Tom Hartmann.
The new Goya Windsurfing boards now come packed in recycled cardboard and paper tape only. No plastic bags. Keeping your planet, our planet, one step cleaner. We figured it’s a worthy trade off, as our love for windsurfing and the planet only grows.
PWA World Tour Approved.
Pro Construction, Full Carbon & S-Glass Hull.
Available in 54, 60, 68, 74, 79, 84, 89, 94, 104, 114 liters.
Comes with the latest generation MFC footstraps.
3rd Gen. Slot Boxes.
Available in Fluo Yellow & Bright Red.
High Density Full Double Sandwich.
Avec deux ans de développement afin d’évoluer par rapport aux planches précédentes choisies par Marcilio pour rider sur le tour PWA, nous nous sommes demandés si les Custom 4 Pro pouvaient être plus performantes. La réponse est oui, et elles sont maintenant disponibles.
La dernière Custom 4 Pro de nos champions mondiaux Marcilio Browne, Marino Gil et Francisco Goya. La Custom 4 Pro est la planche custom de vague Pro Model ultime grâce à son shape mais aussi du fait que ce soit la planche de prédilection choisie par notre team pour rider et concourir.
Les outlines sur ces nouveaux quad ont été légèrement augmentés sur le nez et le tail de la planche. En comparaison avec la génération précédente, le profil du rail a été épaissi sur le nez et aminci vers le tail.
Les nouveaux rockers ont été ajustés pour équilibrer ces changements, incorporant un rocker de surf plus rapide qui s’adapte à la courbe de la vague tout en maintenant un départ au planning précoce qui accélérera dans n’importe quelle rampe ou virage.
La forme de la carène passe fluidement d’un V plat sous le pied de mât pour une meilleure transition d’un rail à l’autre afin de limiter les rebonds durant la courbe en haut de vague, à un double concave entre les pieds pour une carène plus rapide et glissante, puis se fond dans un concave simple au niveau du tail pour des virages ultimes.
Les rockers, les inserts et les constructions sont ajustés pour chaque taille, en fonction du rider et des conditions dans lesquelles la planche sera utilisée. La Custom 4 Pro est le modèle qui possède le plus de rocker dans la gamme des planches Goya Windsurfing.
Francisco Goya: Que cherchais-tu à tirer de cette nouvelle gamme? Qu’est ce qui a déclenché sa conception?
Marcilio Browne: Je voulais que les nouvelles planches fonctionnent à leur apogée dans un plus large éventail de conditions. Sur les petits volumes, chaque taille de planche devait pouvoir supporter une voile plus grande, qu’elle soit moins on-off, qu’elle garde sa fluidité à grande vitesse, et ça m’a surprit de voir qu’elle partait facilement au planning jusqu’ à mon dernier virage dans la vague, dans tout type de condition, du on-shore à deux tailles de mât.
FG: Quels défis as-tu rencontré lors du développement?
MB: Le plus gros défi pour ces planches a été d’équilibrer les outlines entre quelque chose sur lequel je pouvais appuyer très fort quand les conditions sont optimales, tout en passant sans problème les zones molles de la vague sans perdre de vitesse. Une fois que nous avons eu les outlines, Keith a commencé à affiner les rails et la répartition du volume afin de tout regrouper.
FG: Quelles sont leur particularités?
MB: L’avant de la planche a plus de volume, ce qui me met plus en confiance et pardonne plus les erreurs sur n’importe quelle section ou en réception de backloop sur le nez. Les rails arrières sont plus fins, me permettant d’arriver plus facilement aux virages, même sur les plus rapides, ou bien quand je cherche une rampe à pleine vitesse sur du clapot.
FG: À quoi pouvons-nous nous attendre lorsque nous commençons à rider avec?
MB: Cette nouvelle ligne a une gamme encore meilleure que nos modèles précédents. Elles pardonnent plus et deviennent plus faciles à rider lorsque les vagues deviennent rapides et grosses. Elles me donnent la confiance nécessaire pour continuer à accélérer dans les manoeuvres.
FG: Comment les dimensionnes-tu par rapport aux voiles?
MB: Avec ces nouveaux outlines, je peux rider une planche plus petite avec une voile plus grande, c’est idéal lorsque le vent tombe et que les vagues ne font que s’améliorer en fin de journée. À l’inverse, avec une voile plus petite et une plus grande planche, je me sens léger et je ne force pas; c’est ma configuration préférée pour le bump and jump, lorsque je cherche des rampes tout en voulant exploiter au maximum chaque vague durant ces longues journées d’été.
FG: Pourquoi pas 5 boîtiers?
MB: Notre carène en concave fonctionne mieux en configuration de quad. De plus, étant un produit haut de gamme, je ne voudrai pas ajouter de poids et de traînée supplémentaire en ajoutant un boîtier.
FG: As-tu des recommandations pour les réglages de straps/ailerons/mât?
MB: Jouez avec. Je la ride même en twins les jours de vent léger quand je veux que la planche soit fluide et dérape mieux.
FG: Quand as-tu réalisé que tu avais accompli ton travail?
MB: Après la mise au point d’innombrables prototypes, il est arrivé un moment où, plutôt que de rentrer chez moi des idées plein la tête, je ne pensais plus qu’à avoir cette planche dans la benne de mon pick-up et à aller naviguer avec. C’est à ce moment que j’ai réalisé que nous avions accompli notre mission.
Modèles jeunes (54 & 60): Inspiré par la team Goya Youth et par la 60 litres, le nouveau modèle 54 litres vois le jour. Nous avons pensé que nous devrions rendre nos planches préférées disponibles pour les jeunes, avec un écart de straps plus resserré, un écart de pieds plus étroit et un rail de pieds de mât plus reculé afin d’améliorer l’équilibre du rider qui est performant mais plus petit et plus léger. Le poids idéal du rider peut monter jusqu’à 60kg. Team: Maria Morales.
Maria Morales Navarro E-737 Vice Championne du Monde jeune: Home spot: El Medano, Tenerife.
La 54L était ma planche de prédilection, la 60 litres étant ma préférée par vent léger. Maintenant que j’ai grandi, les choses ont changé et ma planche préférée est la 68 litres. J’aime sa légèreté, sa taille compacte et les positions des footstraps ajustées pour les riders de ma taille.
Marino Gil E-959 Champion du Monde jeune: Home spot: Pozo, Gran Canaria.
Je voyage à travers le Maroc, l’Espagne et le reste de l’Europe pour naviguer en free sessions et pour les championnats du monde. Je sais qu’avec la Custom 74 & 84 je peux rider et performer dans n’importe quelles conditions.
Petites tailles & milieu de gamme (68 à 94 litres): les rockers restent en moyenne entre 30mm et 20mm à partir du rocker arrière avec une épaisseur de rail petite à moyenne et une position croissante des plus petites aux plus grandes tailles. Les planches sont utilisées par nos jeunes champions mondiaux ainsi que nos champions du monde de vagues et riders de Jaws.
Team: Maria, Marino, Luc, Marcilio, Antoine.
Tailles XL (104 & 114): Idéales pour les sessions float and ride ou pour une vitesse ultime et à bas régime avec près de 1cm de moins sur le tail que ses petites sœurs, les 104 et 114 transmettent l’agilité des plus petites tailles dans la gamme XXL.
Team: Marcilio, Tom Hartmann.
Approuvé par le PWA World Tour.
Construction Pro, Full Carbone & Protection S-Glass.
Bio Résine.
Disponible en 54, 60, 68, 74, 79, 84, 89, 94, 104, 114 litres.
Boîtiers Slot Boxes 3eme Gen.
Disponible en Jaune Fluo et Rouge Vif.
Full Double Sandwich Haute Densité.
94 liters.
Unbiased praise and criticism straight from the press.
The space below is yours to share your thoughts. Find existing reviews below. Asterisks denote required fields.
Hi Francisco,
Hope you’re doing good!
I have another question regarding the upcoming new gear. What’s the exact timetable… all the boards I got are pretty beat up. I’ve been sailing some of them for nearly 4 years now and even the custom I got is pretty beat up. Would be good to get a rough timeline to organize the year and overall travels a bit better. If you say they might not reach me until late summer I might have to get another board for that time.
Aloha Laurin,
Such a great news that the gear is lasting you that long considering the way you ride and your weight. The new gear is currently available in limited quantities. Looking forward to hear how you like it.
All the best,
Hi guys,
I'm in love with the board you sent. It not only feels lighter in the hands but in the water. Way more reactive, It responds immediately and when underpowered it feels that it's still moving forward with the sail all the time.
Earlier planning, for sure, and in the air it feels much easier to amend moves. I landed backloop after backloop somehow easier than before.
I'm sailing with K300 fins. It's a pity to put heavier fins in lighter fin boxes but I find myself riding better on those. I should try a lighter version of similar fins.
Pic from day one attached.
Hello Francisco I have been using a Goya 114 custom 4 for aweek now and think I will buy one as it seems close to the 99 pyramid ? .thanks Philip Mcmullan
Respond: Great to hear. Yes, that is a great board. I also encourage you to try it as a twin fin; it will surprise you, becoming even quicker to plane and adding spontaneity to the off-the-tops and riding in general. ?
Hi dear folks at Goya, Tschou Päscu,
I have a full quiver of Bazaiis 22/23 in Red & Fluo Yellow, which I love (been on Goya boards and sails since 2008). In order to have matching colors on a custom board that I'd like to order I would need to pass on the correct Pantone color codes/nrs. for the red and the yellow flu. I cannot find this info online. Could you please tell me the correct color code / Nrs.?
Thanks for your help / Danke Päscu
Aloha Christophe,
Thank you for reaching out and for your stoke in our gear.
All of our Pantone codes are online in the gear spec sheets. Let me know if you don’t find it or if there's something else that I can help.
All of the best,
Thank you so much for the detailed reply.
I received my 2022 Custom 4 84L last week, only had the opportunity to try it in the worst conditions ever (perfectly onshore gusty 30kts :p) but I wanted to share that I had a super good first contact. Especially, I was impressed with the low speed stability, which was a criteria for me (better than my 92L C3, which is a bit tricky on that). I felt super good and I'm looking forward to try it in better conditions.
Thank you for all your engagement for the sport, and congratulations for the quality of your brand.
Wishing you all the best.
Rode the 104 in 17-20kts in the English Channel this afternoon. There was some shoulder-high swell; the board made what would have been rubbish into an excellent session.
Custom4 114! there is a spot (Fermoyle) in Ireland in Brandon bay where in “light” condition and a big swell you can have big clean waves. I had this condition in my last two holiday there but struggled to go out because of the light wind and the big waves coming in. For this reason I decided to buy this Goya board. Last month there was a day like that. I took the board and had 2/3 of the best waves of my life. The board with his volume give me the possibility to go out and to catch nice waves (2,5/3 m) super clean, long in a classic DTL condition…super!!!
On Aug 29, 2022
I am 6ft3 and 92kg. My largest wave board is a C3 105 (2019) and is also my most used board for DTL conditions. Most of my sailing (75%) however is cross on blasting in 2/3ft waves.
With that in mind I was thinking of changing to a Cube 106 or C4 114 as my largest board. I am aware that the C4 is more \'wavey\' than the Cube but was thinking maybe the C4 could be used as a twin fin on those cross on days when all I really want is speed and to plane quickly (I had a 2017 95ltr Cube that struggled to get planeing quickly which made windsurfing difficult in cross on mushy waves).
Probably a question for Tom Hartmann as I\'m sure he uses the 114 and maybe has tried it as a twinser?
Kind Regards,
Hi Stephen,
Great to hear from you, and thank you for considering our gear.
The Custom4 114 is really a fun board, as it is just our favorite 84/94 scaled up but with a bit sharper rocker/rail. I usually recommend quad boards as Twins for cross/on conditions as they open up for more options, slides, etc, still with enough grip, you might just need to slide the back fins back. Side covers are provided with the accessories.
Another option that I see would be the Nitro 106. This new shape Braw loves it. He is 6’2” and 88kg.
Cube 106 I would compare it to Custom4 regarding speed, early planning, and general feel, just in the Quatro world.
Tom is usually riding one eye with the Custom4, but he also gets some customs to fill in his quiver that can better fit in that magical wave.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
All the best!
Hello folks, I just bought a 2nd hand custom4 in 84l it's a 2020 shape and I couldn't be happier with it, I'm so impressed by the foot straps and deck pads and how they are just a little narrower making my ride more controllable and have direct feedback, this is a game changer after using other brands which I never really thought was a problem I can see the logic. Just sailed another board I have from another brand and it's now feeling horrible and out of control as my feet aren't locked in.
Still waiting on some good DTL conditions but I'm pretty sure I'll only ever need one board from now on…
My thoughts are it's a bit slow to get going but that just needs a more direct approach to get the board to release which wasn't hard to understand it's requirements and it's up and planing and stays planing even through some very big lulls.
Many thanks
Andy from Cornwall
I was wondering what made a board turn over the front foot vs back foot. My guess is that more front rocker equals more front foot, more tail rocker = more backfoot.
I tried KT Pro custom which I believed was shaped by your team and it was super pivotey over the front foot.
Thanks for your time!
Manu\'s Windsurfing Blog
Hello Manu,
Thank you for reaching over and for your stoke on our gear.
Usually, when the board has a straighter rocker of the tail, it requires more pressure to turn, and when the board has a bit more curve, it can be ridden more balanced between the front and back foot.
A high-speed bottom turn requires a more substantial front foot pressure than one done at a slower speed.
Many other things can make a board difficult or easy to turn, such as rail shape, edge, V or Concaves depths differences, fin and insert placements, mast placement, and rigging.
The main thing is how you feel and what you would like to improve. There is where you can improve your geometry and gear.
Please feel free to share some pics of your riding, and I will be happy to provide you with my feedback.
All the best,
Francisco Goya
Thank you for making the best sails and boards in the world 🙂
Recently We had a couple very good days at the Northshore. My custom 4 (84l) is already very popular among people who had a chance to try it out. I think the board is more stable in the water and turns feel like being on rails compare to the previous model. If fins and mast base are bit more to the back board is planing very easily without loosing its turnability I felt. Great board for many different conditions for sure.
Hi, I have a Custom4 Pro 89L and I am very stoked, but am wondering about fin quivers.
My wave sailing is on the Great Lakes and Finger Lakes of New York, which actually fetch up really smooth-faced 2-1/2 to 4 foot waves, for some really nice onshore wave riding. Most everyone around her just does B&J in the swells, but I like to do real wind surfing deep inside where the faces are the biggest and wind the flukiest. I\'d like fins good for that range but this is my first multi-fin board. I generally find myself having substantially larger fins than most guys, because I like better turning grip in the bottom turns.
I was looking at the MFC website, and wondering if the Kauli Seadi or Victor Fernandez shapes would be helpful in my small mushy waves, or should I get bigger/smaller sizes of the QS that come with the board? The Finger Lakes do have a weed problem.
Thanks so much for your advice, I\'m really looking forward to being more radical wave rides!!
Aloha Gem,
Thank you for reaching over and considering our gear.
What is your weight?
The beauty of Quads also is that the side fins push the weeds far up enough on the back fins that all the weeds go by. I found that out on my first trip with a quad to San Carlos, Mexico. A fantastic feeling that you couldn\'t get away with before, on a single fin or even twin fins.
The Kauli Seadi have a considerable smaller surface area, making them easier on the rail to rail but not as powerful as the other fins.
The Victor Fernandez have more area and rake, I find they work well on all conditions.
I would recommend starting with placing the fins all the way back, this will increase the power on the tail without increasing the drag that larger fins carry.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Looking forward to hearing back from you and hopefully riding together soon.
Francisco Goya
I would like to tell you, that I'm so so so happy with my custom 4 54liter and I appreciate the nice detail, that you choosed the pink colour for the logo and not the orange which one is on all the other boards.
I'm looking forward for a few nice and windy sessions with my new toy!
I must tell you, that I had a really good time and enjoyed the new quiver a lot.
The new sails are perfect. Coming with the new mast, that made a huge difference already with the old sails, the new sails define a new level.
The Custom 4 turns very controllable especially when conditions get out of hand.
A very good board for South Africa!!
Here below my make up of Surf Mag cover 😉
Hi Guys.
I want to congratulate you on your 2022 Custom 4s. I've been sailing the C4s in a range of sizes since 2014 alongside a few Quatro wave boards too and have always really liked them. Really versatile and dependable across a range of wind and wave sizes, I still really love sailing my 2015 C4 104.
That being the case I was absolutely blown way with the 2022 C4 94. I’ve had quite a few outings now on this board in a range of conditions right up to solid mast high with winds varying from WSW, SW, S & SE! I just can't stop sailing it, even choosing it when the wind would normally suggest the 104. It’s amazing what you have managed to do to this board. It’s just as easy to sail as it ever was and has a similar buoyancy & upwind capacity, but somehow you’ve managed to make it heaps more playful as well as noticeably quicker to plane. It feels very lively in bump & jump type conditions & gybes beautifully. In the air it feels small and really easy to manage. Where it really shines and has been greatly improved is in the waves. Because it is so fast to plane & points well it’s really easy to get to the upwind starting position, gybe and then accelerate onto the swell. Then it is super loose on the wave face and goes anywhere you point it. In cross off conditions it can handle steep hollow waves really well: the bottom turn just squirts you back up the wave face when you dig in the tail and engage the rail & the reos are tighter than ever before. You find yourself in parts of the wave you rarely visit!
On the other hand in onshore conditions where there is less down the line speed the board can hang in really well too and doesn’t mind being sailed inside out at all while you wait for the peak to form properly. There's no sense that you're about to stall and run out of time. It is making me re-evaluate my board choice. Whereas previously I'd always opt for the larger vol in fluky offshore conditions so that I can handle the windless holes, now I find myself on the new 94 because it floats through the lulls comfortably and then just charges when the gusts come in. Essentially you’ve made an awesome all round package that seems to be good at everything. I don’t know how you did it. Well done guys!
The performance of the new C4 94 has me wondering about the new 104. At the end of the season here in SW WA the winds get weaker and the swell often gets bigger which makes for some great wave sailing if you can get out and about. If you've sprinkled the same magic dust on the 2022 104 as you did with the new 94 then that will also be an awesome board. I'm wondering about the tail rocker though. In your description on the web you say that you have flattened the tail rocker on the larger 2 sizes, which makes me wonder whether they will be as capable in the waves. Last night I checked the tail rockers of the 2022 C4 94 and the 2015 C4 104 and they look identical to me, which doesn't surprise me because that 2015 C4 104 is a very capable wave board. I'd be interested to hear your opinion on this. Is there less tail release on the 2022 C4 104, and does this limit them in waves, particularly above mast high?
Cheers, Jens
Hello Oishi,
Great to hear from you and that the new boards arrived for you!
Yes, we have a bit more range on the back fins and forward fins of the Custom4, Custom3, and Nitro, and with the new inserts, positions on the straps and mast are not massive changes from before.
For the most part, the customer on the Custom4, Custom3, and Nitro will use the back strap back, and the front strap according to their size and what they are used to. Braw for example uses the front strap all the way forward and the back back. I ride the back strap one from the back and the front one back.
Regarding the mast foot, it is all according to personal balance. You know that you have it too far forward when the front rail is catching too much, and you are having a harder time finishing your turns. On the contrary, you know that you have it too far back when the board is pushing water. It has a more challenging time to get going or planning through the lows or not giving you enough drive, distance, and speed on your turns.
On the fins, you know when the fins are sliding too much that you have them too far forward, and you know that they are too far back when the board is too boring and direct, which maybe more suitable for bigger wave days but not ideal for smaller and more onshore days.
So basically you have too feel what is happening to the shape, you need to adjust all the pieces to unleash its potential in the different conditions.
I’m not saying that you need to tune it up every day, but you have to know how to adjust it when something needs it.
Sorry for the long message, please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything that I can help with.
Hi Pascal,
Still buzzing from my last high wind session- 79 l custom 4 20/21 and 4.0 banzai 20/21. The board ok- superb I have said that before, fast, snappy and very well balanced volume distribution. Imho the secret is hidden in the bottom mix and transition of concaves... But anyway the thing that blew my mind was the Banzai Pro. The next day the wind increased 14- 17 m/s. I skipped my 3.7 and went to my, ink/yellow 3.4. Everyone was on 3.7-4.2 depending on weight. I used the bottom clew eyelet with a very small amount of downhaul-and bang! catch me if you can !!-I hardly felt I had anything in my hands( I have to say that I had the goya rdm 100 340 2022 and the goya superskinny boom. Then next day the wind dropped 12-16m/s but the waves were better- I was lazy and went for the 3.4 again to see what happens. I just changed to the upper clew eyelet- and bang- the moment I stepped I was on the plane blasting, passing my mates on 4.2-4.5 s and I am not that light- 73 kg. Amazing adaptability and reactivity- two sails in one. I think the reactiveness comes from the vast area of biply and xply- if the xply strip was scrim it would not be so... I am so stoked with the banzais. This is it for now. Looking forward to the 2022 goya quads.
Hello from the high rockies of Colorado. I just wanted to say my thanks for making a wave board for bigger guys. I recently purchased a 94l custom 4 while sailing at the gorge. To my surprise when I got home it was equally amazing on our thin air mountain lakes I just purchased the same board in a 104l. At 6'02" 210lbs I never thought these boards were in my range but they have changed everything in a great way. Thanks again Ed
I’ve had the 104 now for over a year, still one of my favorite boards of all time and we’re talking almost 40 years. From light air 5.7 to wound up 4.5, this board is the bomb. Planes extremely early but carves like butter on a wave face. I’m going to be bummed when you do an update as I just don’t know what I’d change on this size quad and the next one down.
You knocked it out of the Park.
Used Goya 2020/21 Custom Pro Quad 84 l & 94 in combination with the new 2020/21 Banzaii's in a lot of sessions. Best sails and boards so far (been sailing Banzaii and Goya Quad's since 2011).Mostly sailed in side/on and Bump&Jump. Feels like it it up and planing much earlier than previous models and keeps speed remarkably when riding in On-Shore and Side/On. It also cut's chop like butter. It feels like the whole "feeling" of the boards and sails is on a level that is hard to describe. Amazing:-). Easy going, easy handling but no limits.. only the rider to define.
All the best,
Hey Guys
Long time!
I had one go on Dan's 84 Custom 4 and instantly fell in love.
I bought one and have just had my first full session on it - classic autumn / fall South Coast UK session!
It's an absolutely magic board - think it's the best one I've ever owned - so smooth and so much bite in the rail on a wave - absolutely love it!!!!!
Still buzzing from the session as I'm writing to you - awesome!
Thanks guys - incredible work - hope you and your families are all good?
Best wishes
Francisco hi!
Just came back from three weeks in Brandon Bay, Ireland.
We we’re really lucky… had at least three memorable days with 2-3m glassy wave and 5.0 side off winds.
For my level in windsurfing it was amazing. Definitely the best windsurf days in my life so far.
I cannot judge the performance of the board since my understanding is rather basic, but what I can tell you is that the quad really helped me be in the right place, at the right time, with minimum effort more often than ever before. In float and ride conditions I was catching wave after wave after wave and the board greatly helped me to improve my riding. What more to ask?
Regards to the whole team, best of luck,
I have my own board repair shop in Athens, Greece.
Have a look if you are in the mood. Language is Greek, but pics are universal… 🙂
We had a chance to try out the 2018 Goya Custom Quad this past fall and WOW!! Let me tell you, this new version of the board is just awesome! (Big Thanks to the REEFWARRIORS for the visit!!)
The Custom Quad has been one of Goya's best selling boards for years now. It has always had a flatter rocker than most any other quad on the market, allowing it to plane up just as early as most freestyle wave boards, but somehow they've always been able to keep the radical maneuverability that a hardcore wave board deserves to have. Not an easy task! Suffice to say, the blend of early planing, speed, smoothness in chop, AND insane turning capability has allowed the Goya Quad to have broad appeal- Not only do the hardcore wave purists love the board, but flat water bump and jumpers have found it to be an excellent performer as well.
The 2018 model is a big step forward from the 2016/17 shapes- They've actually made the board a touch narrower this year (bucking the trend) and kept the volume by thickening up the deck near the mast track. The tail is still quite thin and narrow due to a dramatic pull in of the outline at the back foot. The nose is also lower volume and narrower this year, reducing swing weight and making the board feel lighter and livelier.
As far as bottom shape goes- there is a fair amount of it! This is far from a flat bottomed board, including double concave on vee from the nose back to the front strap, then transitioning to a double concave set into an overall concave out through the tail. This allows the board to possess a few different characteristics- Mast track forward and an upright stance makes the board super smooth handling in the gnarliest of conditions- great for bump and jumpers looking for control when it gets big out there. Mast track back gives the board the ultimate in lively responsive snappiness, keeping even the most seasoned pros on their toes when they're drawing lines on a wave face.
Quite simply, this is a PRO LEVEL wave board, that is easy and smooth enough to sail that it allows mere mortals to have fun with it while just blasting around on a lake or in the bay. Unbelievable!
If you're thinking about upgrading to a 2018 Goya Quad, keep in mind that you can run higher volumes than you're used to and still have plenty of control for the big days with small sails. So, if you used to use an 85 liter bump and jump board, go with the 94 Custom Quad. You'll cover the same wind and sail ranges, but have an easier time floating through the lulls and planing up extra fast, all while blowing your mind with how turny and maneuverable the larger 94 liter board is. Again, Unbelievable!
Hey guys, I have the 94l quad and am always amazed to see how well it performs combined with Banzai sails. I weigh about 80-85 kg and ride waves whenever I can, but I'm happy to sail in any conditions provided I'm on the water. I had the chance to sail it in light conditions 12-15 knots with 2-3m waves, the board has plenty of float to ride through white water and allows quick replacement on waves; still it feels small while surfing, pure pleasure. In strong and flatter conditions, I was impressed by the high end; riding in 35-40 knots is easy, you just don't feel the volume under feet and you have massive control. This board is a pure gem. I must admit I was first skeptical about going two sizes up, but I really don't regret it. Thanks for making me enjoy every second on the water!
Kind people of Goya, given the expected light wind conditions at the 2018 Pacasmayo IWT wave event I decided to bring my 2017 116 Goya Custom Quad. Perfect choice. This board rips like there is no tomorrow regardless of the 66 cm width which gave me plenty of float to get around in sometimes extremely light winds. It is so much fun to ride, great work. Looking forward to the next generation. Keep up the good work and thank you!
I bought a Fringe 5.0 & 5.3 and super skinny boom two years ago, and few months ago I added two Custom Quads (84 and 104) as well
Just wanted to let you know that I'm amazed by the gear. What's best is that I've progressed my windsurfing more in the last 3 months than I've done in the 3 years prior. I am getting better every day on the water, which is something I've never felt before. It's truly amazing how much more quickly I am learning new stuff, especially on the waves. And it helps everything looks beautiful as well 🙂
Thank you for making amazing gear and keep up the good work!
Hello Goya-team, I have to express my enthusiasm about five years of awesome experiences with Custom Quads, Fringe sails and recently Custom Thruster 105 by more than a few words, - sorry!!
On the search of a bigger waveboard for light wind days in my favorite windsurfing destination Sardegna I found and risked to buy untested the first Goya Custom Quad 104 in 2012, - loved it very very much from the first second!! One year later, after having tested an 84 Quad and a 5.0 Banzai (thanks to Ralph!!) I sold all my NP and JP stuff and replaced it by Goya, - best decision in 30 years of practicing our wonderful sport.
In 2015 I luckily could test the first Fringe 5.0 and compare it with my own Banzai 5.0. I was a little surprised on the lively feeling (straight ahead), but - wow!!! - with the first jibe and especially on the first wave I could feel, that these shapes would be exactly those who would allow even an old guy like me more and better turns than ever, being much less exhausting and tiring, because in the turns Fringes are so smooth, you can make them to nothing in your hand. Pure fun in every kind of wave and, - what no one had guessed before - even in freeride conditions with simple turns.
So: Since 2013 I go with Goya, and even though my body is 65 years old now, I must say, that in these years I´ve had (still have) more fun on the water than ever before, and, - despite the natural age-related less of power and some very, very bad diseases, - I even felt getting better in surfing the waves. Whenever I was healthy and fit enough to surf seriously, in Sardegna I was envied for having the most flexibel and best turning (and - by the way - best-looking!!!) boards and sails on the water, which allowed an old (> 80 kgs-) man like me to surf all conditions (from freeride choppy water to small waves side-on up to mast-high sideshore dreams), always handling the biggest wind- and wave- range with the smallest range of material!
This year´s experiences with my actual gear, - 2018 Custom Quad 94 + 2018 Custom Thruster 105 + some Fringes now have motivated me to express my compliments and many thanks to the „makers“ of Goya for the outstanding work you do year after year in always developing boards and sails, that are not only good for „pros“ and world cup competitors, but in at least the same way for normal, but enthusiastic windsurfers like me, who do not live at the sea, but try to spend as much time as possible there, taking all the different conditions they get.
2018 Custom Quad 94 is an amazing shape: With ten more liters it is even quicker, more agile and snappier than my (be-loved) CQ 84 I had before, - and the new Custom Thruster 105 is an unbelievable versatile board!! The last few weeks I had to test it in almost all conditions Sardegna has to offer, - what a fun!! Light-wind conditions with 28 freewave-middle-fin and big Fringe, very stable, when not gliding, starting to plane like a freeride-board, much earlier than expected; small waves with 5.7/5.0 and 23 freewave-fin; fast, high and choppy Mistral-wave down-the-line along with very gusty wind (5.0 Fringe + freewave 23) and (the last two days) stormy wind and short side-onshore wind-waves with Fringe 3,7 and 21 K-One, - this board (with those different middle-fin options) fits all (lake-surfing of course, too)!! Because of the volume and the „easy-going“ shape the Custom Thruster gives so much safety and confidence, but also maneuverability in every condition, - in Germany we call this „eierlegende Wollmilchsau“ (=> „oviparous wool-milk-pig“), which is one of the best compliments a board can get in Europe.
OK, for stormy 3.7 - 5.0 wind and/or down-the-line wave conditions normally I´d go with my Custom Quad, but it was interesting and exciting to try even those conditions (just for fun) with the CT 105, too. And, - wow - it worked, unbelievable! A few years ago no-one would have expected, that an as versatile board like this Custom Thruster would be possible to shape.
And - again and again - Fringes (2016 and 2018) are unbelievable, too!! Soo easy and light to handle!! I´m looking forward to the new 2019 Fringe!!
So, - many many thanks to the Goya - Team, to KT and the Goya-brothers for developing unbelievable versatile waveboards, to JD for those perfekt matching Fringes, - and thanks so much to Ralph, the German distributor, for his advices and support!!!
I cant say enough great things about the quads, Hit the Lip!
Salve cortesemente a chi mi posso rivolgere in Italia per avere più informazioni sulle vostre tavole grazie Valerio
And another! Thanks again for designing such a cool board. This year's graphics are also on point!
I used the 2018 Custom Quad in El Medano just two weeks ago for the first time, thanks to TWS. I was on the 74l, fully powered up (a little overpowered actually) with a 3.3. I weigh 53kg so I'm always looking for small wave boards, unfortunately TWS didn't have the 68 but if the performance of the 74l was anything to go by, the 68 would've been epic.
The 74 handled power wonderfully and sailed throught the chop smoothly, when jumping it was awesome and gave me the courage to try my first push loops. (I didn't land any but I'm a lot closer than before)
On the wave, however, the Quad was heavenly. I didn't think it would perform well in the cross-onshore Medano waves but I was wrong. The board carved perfectly and gave me all the grip I needed on the bottom turn but was loose enought that I was able to push the tail out at the top with ease. The board survived a couple of sketchy encounters with a dumping shorebreak, rocks and some slightly mad windsurfers without so much as a scratch. Unfortunately I wasn't so lucky! I'm off the water with a broken foot thanks to a bungled aerial but I can't wait to try use a Goya Quad again. Well done Mr. Goya for the excellent sail and BTW I've been using a 340 Goya for the past three years after my last one broke in the Medano shorebreak and what can I say, the mast has survived pumping Irish and Scottish conditoons without any damage!
I felt the Goya Custom Quads 84 and 74 more turny than before. I feel it more when the wind picks up and I get overpowered. Before, I had to move the pressure further back as now I can stand more on my front foot and make the board turns well… They kept their upwind and quick planing abilities, what is nice here when you have many white water to pass through and some current. I love my waveboards this year!
So many changes had happen over the years, the first ones where shorter, with a fuller nose, then we manage to pulled in the outline on the ends, then we adjusted once again the trim and balance of the board to support the rider further back position, and last we brought it all together with the narrower outlines and bottom flow, that allowed to bring back all of the best feelings at the tip of your toes. Hope you enjoy riding them as much as we did building this story together with all of our team. Thank you for your support!
Two weeks ago my new 94lts quad arrived in Chile. Truly amazing. I made the best choice. Very fast, stable, in the bottonturn it grabs like a roller coaster rail and the cut loose everything. Do not feel the liters when jumping. I have always bought Goya and Quatro and this year design innovation really feels. They achieved it without doubts.
During the last months I have used the 2018 Quad from high-wind choppy onshore conditions to the very best side-off down-the-line pure waveriding and I must say now, that there are absolutely NO LIMITS AT ALL. Within each turn I can really feel, how much considerable efforts you've been made to develop this super fast, very reactive and mega smooth turning waveboard. In my opinion you made some mind-blowing very very good steps forward into the right direction, towards easy accessible and radical surfing.
Thank you so, so much for bringing your dreams to life and giving us the chance to participate !! - Highest respect to the mastermind FG and all the team behind GOYA WAVEBOARDS ...
What a fantastic combo !! ... Love my brandnew Custom Quad 84 and the Fringe sails.
During the last months I have used the 2018 Quad from high-wind choppy onshore conditions to the very best side-off down-the-line pure waveriding and I must say now, that there are absolutely NO LIMITS AT ALL. Within each turn I can really feel, how much considerable efforts you've been made to develop this super fast, very reactive and mega smooth turning waveboard. In my opinion you made some mind-blowing very very good steps forward into the right direction, towards easy accessible and radical surfing.
Thank you so, so much for bringing your dreams to life and giving us the chance to participate !! - Highest respect to the mastermind FG and all the team behind GOYA WAVEBOARDS ...
Best regards and Aloha
I'm posting again. The image of my cool GOYA Custom Surfwave 2018 board.
Cool to meet you in Baja Francisco and thanks for signing my new Custom Surfwave 79L 2018 board.
I'm back i Norway and super stoked to sail this board. I didn't imagine that you could create a better shape than the 2016 model, but the new board is amazing. You and KT are just fantastic!
Hi Francisco, was finally able to try out the custom quad 84 yesterday at Waddell--wow! That board is fun! Domed deck shape seems to hide the volume well, rides and turns like a smaller board. Really likes to gouge full rail turns...it likes to have a lot of rail on the water. Was a little small, but super fun rail slide top turns. Stoked!
Hi Francisco!
I hope this finds you well.
Just a quick feedback, we have a lot of wind these days, I sailed the custom 2018 quad 89 a lot, from 5.0 light to 4.0 flying (need a 3.7), the board is amazing, it is magic, in so much different conditions. Fast, smooth, turning fantastic, just magic.
I gave it a lot to people to try and they liked it all.
Also the thruster has very good feedback.
All the best,
Hi guys, just wanted to take a second to give feedback on the new gear I've ridden: Custom Quad 89 was mindblowing, I've never ridden anything in the 90 liter range that felt close as good as this, no freewave feeling at all, full on turny, loved it both on one stormy and one light day (fins all forward, straps all the way apart, base plate showing 1cm of mast track channel behind), Banzai 4.5 was extra nice, felt better than previous Banzais, even better than Fringe in those conditions, and this comes from a guy who loves the Fringe, winner sail (downhauled to dot, outhaul rather loose), Just to share.
I had the chance to ride my 74 custom quad as a twin, but to be honest I can not find a real advantage.The 4 fins deliver more than enough speed and loosiness for my level and conditions. Obviously at Goya everything has been sorted out. As a matter of fact the MFC fins are fast and I start to like them more. I also moved the track as you guys said back 1 cm and my front straps one position back(I have one more to go). My back strap is also next to the last position . Btw MFC straps are great- light,stiff and comfy. The board instantly changed manners- the nose became more loose which compensates for the less nose rocker. This board is so much fun. I can't get enough of those backside hacks.. Unfortunately no wind in the foreseeable future.
Cheers Geo
Snowing but still windy on the East Coast.
thanks for everthing in 2016!was 35 deg. Air@ water oneil 6-5-4@ oneil 7mm.. booties toasty for a couple hours!joe
I got this costum Ouad 80 -17 board and i have carving waves here in Sweden a feew weeks .
This board is superb. I feel the board invites me too try harder. It feels amasing riding when im doing frontfoot turns in cutbacks and bottom turn.
You could put enormus pressure turning in the bottom, the board doesnt give up.
Ive been riding small sinking board for 30 years an now it feels like history.
I have been sailing 3.5 and 4.5 the board kicks starts very early planing. so i feel i could ouse a smaller sail on this board.
Full Power 3.5 today 3m Waves...I Love it.
I've sailed the ultimate board for one year and are super happy with the capabilities of this board. GOYA Custom 86L from 2016 is faster and I get better control in the bottom turn. I've had Goya Custom Wave boards the past seven years and are always amazed what Francisco and KT come up with.
I have been sailing my Custom Quad 106 for a few weeks now, in conditions varying from reasonably clean waves (3m swell) down to flat water, with 4.7m to 6.2m wave sails, all in Western Australia. After owning numerous wave boards in various fin configurations, I feel like I've found the one I'll stick with. Where my previous wave boards have all presented a compromise (slow to plane / hard to point upwind but good on a wave face, quick to plane but harsh in chop etc), the Custom Quad seems to perform with very little compromise. Planes early and easily, heads up wind well, smooth in chop, jumps well... And the way it carves up a wave face is so exhilarating - fast and precise, it caught me out the first couple of bottom turns but once I got used to the grip and speed I was hooked. The Goya Custom Quad 106 is a strong contender for a one-board quiver for me with my 91kg weight and decent (competent but nothing special) wave sailing skills. It's easy to sail but I can sense there's endless performance there that I can grow into.
TESTTEST GOYA CUSTOM QUAD 2016 By lorenzo | 11 febbraio 2016 0 Comments
Durante la mia recente trasfertina a Pozo Izquierdo, Gran Canaria , ho avuto modo di utilizzare le tavole Goya Custom Quad 2016; ho pensato quindi di raccontarvi come è andata, con il solito stile della chiacchierata informale tra amici, nessuna velleità tecnica ;-). Io ho usato due volumi l’86 ed il 96 , ammetto che inizialmente ero un po’ contrariato da questo salto, non conoscevo lo spot ed il vento non era poi così forte, in virtù del mio peso avrei preso un 90-92 lt al massimo; 86 mi sembravano pochi e 96 tremendamente troppi… Seguendo i consigli dello staff sono uscito prima con il 96, per prendere confidenza con spot e attrezzatura, poi nel primo pomeriggio con l’aumentare del vento sono passato all’87 ; il secondo giorno invece, visto che il vento era più leggero e le previsioni lo annunciavano in calo, ho tenuto il 96 tutto il giorno; vele 4.7 il primo giorno , 5.0 il secondo.
Iniziamo subito con il dire che le tavole sono molto simili, differiscono soprattutto per la galleggiabilità, ma il comportamento in acqua è pressapoco lo stesso. Mi sento però di affermare che se l’86 è una gran bella tavola, il 96 è strepitoso… mi spiego meglio: io di trovarmi bene in mare, in condizioni di vento e onda con una tavola quad ( adoro questo assetto) che ha qlc litro in meno del mio peso me lo aspetto, quasi lo pretendo da una tavola “del 2016 ” ( nel senso da una tavola dei giorni nostri) . Mentre di trovarmi forse anche meglio, con uno zatterone di 96 litri proprio non me lo aspettavo, il 96 surfa come una tavola di 10 litri in meno, nei miei miseri e bassissimi salti rimane controllabile, e offre quel surplus di galleggiabilità e sicurezza che mettono sereni in spot rognosi, difficili e che magari non conosciamo ancora.
I Custom Quad Goya sono macchine da surfata, anche con il vento onshore impostare il bottom correttamente era un gioco da ragazzi, mantenere velocità mentre con i piedi storti e la bugna in avanti si andava a cercare il lip da colpire era più facile che perderla… nel momento tipico “dell’entrata”, nel cutback, la tavola spruzza radicalità e inverte la direzione in un niente. Sicuramente queste tavole sono state l’ingrediente in più che ha permesso la perfetta riuscita del mio weekend . In giro ci sono tantissime tavole buone, alcune ottime; ad altre invece sembra che nel miscelare le resine abbiano aggiunto un pizzico di magia… questi Goya sono fra queste ultime…
Lorenzo Windcam
The custom quad 68 is the most fun board I,ve owned in 35 years of windsurfing!used it the first time during Gale Force conditions on the eastern Great Lakes!3.4@3.0 sails 2.5m waves love from the first reach out thru the shore break !quick to plane turns unreal goes upwind like a bandit!can,t wait to use 2.7 on it?highly recommended to light weights or women!thank you Francisco!
I just bought The Goya One in Tarifa and I couldn't be happier after two days in the water. Conditions were extreme, with wind gusts approaching 60 knots. I was saling 3.3m sail and my 85L board, and my weight is 85 kilos. I was impressed how it responded in the water, where it seemed I was sailing a 78L. It was glued to the water when needed, but takes off like a feather when jumping. Amazing speed and amazing behaviour in chopi! Probably the best board I've ridden over the last years! Thank you Francisco, Lalo and team for the great work!
Hi Francisco & crew:
I have just bought a a Custom 80, which will be my unique gear for strong wind (sails 3.4 to 4.7). I will enjoy my brand new toy in Tarifa, mostly with side-off gusty strong choppy Levante (east) conditions.
I tried the 80 and the 86. Due to my weight (72-76 kg) I opted for the 80, but I was extremely impressed with the 86 performance in strong (30-50 knots) conditions.
I have to congratulate the shaper as I truly think this is a real change (and not marketing oriented) in R&D. That explains why all my friends (Paco 74&86, Rich 86, Ingo 74 and Ruben 86) are happy Goya customers now.
No review here but would be fine to hear about the 68` .. someone has feedback ? at wich weight and wind should it be the best option ?
I got out on your 80 Liter Custom Quad and a 4.2 Banzai at the Wall. What a fantastic setup I LOOOOOVE that board. I can't get over how well it turns while remaining super FAST! It was great in the air too! Excellent work!
Wow amazing board, nice to be wave sailing with lower winds. Got myself the Custom 106, suprised about the small fins but they work ????!
Goya 80 quad: the best wave board I ever had in 30 years of windsurfing.
Hi Francisco,
feedback from the board. It takes allways a big smile in my face if i ride the Quad at home Lake Brombachsee, easy planning, good in chops or in Sardinien where the rails are dreamly. Lay down was for me a very new big feeling.
Thanks a lot for creating perfect boards
We wish you and your family a peaceful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Always with a smiling face on your board
Klaus & Sabine
Hey guys,
was in Maui for a couple weeks. First couple days were crazy windy and I used the 2015 Custom 78 and it was fun.
But for the rest of my vacation, I was lucky enough to get a brand new Custom 86. It felt great. Very easy to ride and controllable. First couple times I had to get used to the back strap being so far back but quickly got used to it.
The board planed early, was very controllable and felt great for jumping. But the standout was the grip in the turns.
Overall great board.
Hey guys
Loving both boards and sails this year. Boards are fast and so easy to
ride, top end is great on the sails - everything feels very
Little gopro video of jolliffe road:
Hope you guys are well?
Since I got the 2016 gear in September I had the chance to sail the boards and every sail size here in the Gorge and Ocean conditions. And I have to say I'm stoked. Plus I got lots of attention at the beaches from many guys seeing the Goya gear and asking lots of questions!
Love the Fringe. These sails cover just perfect my needs. Having Jason close by is great as well so we can exchange feedbacks anytime if needed.
The boards (have the Custom Quad 74 & 80 at this point) are very close to the customs I sailed. They work super for me at the coast and at the Gorge. Quick on planing feel direct with plenty of grip through the turns and at the same time loose enough for sliding maneuvers. First I was a bit concerned because the lower tail rocker compared to the boards I was used to sail. But I have to say I'm positive surprised how good they feel. For me a perfect compromise between Ocean conditions and more choppy sailing here at the Gorge. Great job guys!
Try to plan a trip to Maui sometimes in February...
Aloha from the Gorge,
This month i has been sailing with the Quad 96 and the 86 in Side on conditions . Give please my congratulations to the shaper of this boards , i think is Keith . I like boards with a good performance going onto plane and good speed but with control and good turning in the bottom. This boards are fantastic in all the points the two are lively . For me are the perfect boards for here Mallorca Island. I don´t know how you can improve the board.
The 96 used with 5,4 and 5.0 are great .Today the 86 has sailed with 4.5 A friend of mine and me think that the 86 have less volume than the indicated . Is possible ?. The 96 with less wind and 5,4 is used with twin configuration on 17,5 cm..
have you great wind and waves.
Thanks and regards
You know what i think of the 106 🙂 just multiple that by 1000 for the 86. Pretty much straight out da box I "added water" as you txt-Ed and the very first wave I score with it was logo+. 🙂 The board is butter, turns so hard, fast and easy. Slicing and dicing is back! Great acceleration in a straight line, and out of a turn, easy to float in underpowered conditions. Short length not a problem, instead big bonus as the board is more responsive and agile.
Together with the fringe the new gear has never put a bigger smile on my face. It already starts when I open my van and pull my gear out: regardless of the conditions I know my session will be good.
Thanks guys!!
Hi Guys,
I've used Goya Custuom 80 2016 in Mauritius august/september 2015, from side to side off conditions, full power waves, strong wind and light wind the board is great!!! Super surfing more big waves more better. I use it winth smaller fins 25 cm. You can do a lot of bottom turn with this board in mode auto pilot. Is a radikal board but very easy to use. What impressed me is that you can yuse it also in Oneye where the waves are super fast and the wind is side/side off.
I've used this board also in total onshore conditions and strong wind from 35 to 45 konts, well the boards is ok, you can surfing onshore and fly high wih yours jumps.
Hey Guys ,
Just to let you know, I'm riding the production board 86 again here in France and felt super fun .
The wind was dead onshore and i was super stoked with the board on the backside carvs and hits on the white water . feels safe and secure hitting the lip and also releases tail very well .
Thanks a lot
Hi guys
Al least i could sail with my 96 . The season was perfect and the board surprised because is like you are riding a 85ltrs board .
I sail with a 5.4 that will be the max size i will put on it because i have bought the board for more wind.
The wind blows with too much gusting and this demonstrated the potential to go onto planed early. Little waves but i could feel the capacity to turn and its agility
Hi Guys, just to let you know I have had 6 sessions on the new 106 and its ace! This board makes me smile and I cannot get enough of it.
Its on loan from the shop but its not going back!
Here is a pic from yesterday . Heading down the line to the Steelworks in South Wales.
Inline image
Thanks for making great boards for us bigger guys.
Yep, all is very well. I finally had an awesome session on my new Goya Custom 106 at waddell on Sunday: logo+ west swell and perfect wind for 5.3 Fringe (I am borrowing Rich' sails now since I have already sold all my sails, expecting to have the new once by now... more about that later).
I'd already used the 106 a few times at 3rd Ave in the channel for B&J gorge style conditions in some nice rollers, where it works fantastic btw. But, I wanted of course to get my hands dirty on some solid waves. And Sunday, finally, presented those conditions. It took me a few waves to get used to the quad feeling again, after having been on thrusters for almost 2yrs now, but this board is some mean machine. The harder you push the better it works. It wants to be railed, kicked, throttled. Don't be shy with it. Once I got it dialed in, it was balls to the walls. Or as some told me later "you got some super nice hits!". 🙂 What I like about the board is that it's so predictable. It really has that Francisco feeling in it; butter smooth, grace, controlled, but powerful.
The short length was getting used to as one needs to be further back on the board or it will nose dive. But, it planes up early enough, great speed, amazing control and carves so easy. Floats well, as long as you're back. Great wind range; 4.7 not a problem. What really surprises me is that it absolutely never feels like a 106. Especially not in big waves or OP-ed. It always feels much smaller.
IMHO this is probably the easiest, turniest, smoothest, powerful, best looking 100+ liter wave board I've ever had. I am so stoked to be back on the quad as it allows IMHO my style (as some call me the "slicer and dicer") more so than a Thruster. I can't wait for the 86. The graphics are fantastic, but IMHO the board can be sanded down to save additional weight. That's the only "negative" I have.
The past 2 days were beyond anything I've ever sailed with. I tried and almost nailed my first wave 360s thanks to the 106!!! wohoooo