Stock Model
Ready for big air. All new shapes.
The thick square tail design is the turbo. It gives you more grip and confidence to enter into your moves faster, its release and pop send you flying higher and it provides maximum forgiveness in sliding manoeuvres.
Riders: Antoine Albert, Yarden Meir, Nicolas Hibdige & Jay Lee.
Antoine Albert presents us with the new PWA approved freestyle line.
FG: What triggered these new boards?
AA: I want to compete on my favourite custom boards. Powerful tails with lengths to the absolute minimum for ultimate control in the air to slides.
FG: What challenges did you come along with the development?
AA: Keeping the balance between fast and on-top of the water, powerful for the lighter winds and freshwater spots, but with all the comfort and control for the choppy, windier days.
FG: what can we expect to see on them?
AA: We got inspired from on the rails and nose rocker of the new Nitro. I need the board to ride free and fit into the steepest ramps and take-offs. The new straps spread and stance got a touch closer together for a better connection and to maximise the pop. Also, the mast track has been moved back to balance the new shapes, features, and dimensions.
FG: What is new, and how you differentiate the smaller sizes from the larger ones?
AA: The new rails have a ton more lift along with the added flotation on the back area of the larger size boards. This adds to the planing and acceleration compared to the older designs, and everything is more balanced for control on the smaller sizes.
FG: How are these boards influencing your riding?
AA: The faster I go, the easier the moves get. These new shapes give me all the confidence to accelerate and throw all of my body into the move.
FG: Could you share a few of the highlights along with the development
AA: The whole development was done over a period of 2 years, so there were many ups and downs. I live in NC, so it is also not as easy to get the new boards. Working with the Goya team is an amazing experience as I get to go to all of their locations with great conditions and ride with all the team. From 50+ knots and 3.4 lit in Hood River to super classic Maui 4.4 weather and everything else in Tarifa, Spain with straight out flat off-shore to on-shore and choppy conditions.
The new Goya Windsurfing boards now come packed in recycled cardboard and paper tape only. No plastic bags. Keeping your planet, our planet, one step cleaner. We figured it’s a worthy trade off, as our love for windsurfing and the planet only grows.
PWA World Tour Approved.
Pro Construction, Full Carbon & S-Glass Hull.
Available in 84, 89, 99, 109 liters.
Comes with the latest generation MFC footstraps.
Power box.
Available in Light Gray & Pastel Red.
High Density Full Double Sandwich.
Please note: The deck sticker of the Air Pro does not come in opaque black, but in translucent charcoal, as shown in the rendering. This prevents heating of the board in direct sun, so you can enjoy your product for years to come. We recommend you please be extra cautious with your board in the heat or in the sun. If not in the water, the use of a reflecting bag is highly recommended.
Prête pour les big air. Tout nouveaux shapes.
Le tail épais et carré est le turbo. Il donne plus d’appuis et de confiance pour engager vos figures plus rapidement, son impulsion et son pop vous aide à monter plus haut, et offre une tolérance maximale dans les manœuvres de glisse.
Riders : Antoine Albert, Yarden Meir, Nicolas Hibdige & Jay Lee.
Antoine Albert nous présente la nouvelle gamme freestyle approuvée par la PWA.
Francisco Goya : Qu’est-ce-qui a déclenché le développement de ces nouvelles planches ?
Antoine Albert : Je souhaitais concourir avec la même planche que mon prototype préféré. Un tail puissant et une longueur réduite pour un contrôle absolu dans les figures aériennes ou en glissades.
FG : Quels défis as-tu rencontré durant le développement ?
AA : Le défi durant le développement a été principalement de trouver l’équilibre entre avoir une planche très rapide et puissante pour les vents légers et les spots d’eau douce, tout en gardant le confort et le contrôle de la planche pour les jours plus agités avec du vent plus fort et du clapot.
FG : Que peut-on s’attendre à voir sur ces nouvelles planches ?
AA : Nous nous sommes inspirés des rails et du rocker avant de la nouvelle Nitro. Je voulais que la glisse soit fluide et que la planche épouse facilement les rampes plus raides, sans passer à travers, pour un bon décollage. L’écart des straps est plus resserré, tout comme le stance qui a été réduit pour une meilleure connexion avec la planche et afin de maximiser le pop. De plus, le rail de pied de mât a été reculé pour équilibrer ces nouveaux shapes, caractéristiques et dimensions.
FG : Qu’y a-t-il de nouveau et comment différencies-tu les petites tailles des plus grandes ?
AA : Les nouveaux rails apportent plus de lift avec un ajout de flottaison sur la partie arrière des plus grosses tailles. Cela accentue le départ au planning et l’accélération en comparaison avec les anciens designs, et tout est plus équilibré sur les plus petites tailles afin de gagner en contrôle.
FG : Comment ces planches influencent-elles ta façon de rider ?
AA : Plus je vais vite, plus les manœuvres sont faciles. Ces nouveaux shapes me donnent toute la confiance et les moyens nécessaire pour accélérer et me lancer dans mes figures les plus radicales.
FG : Peux-tu partager quelques moments forts durant le développement.
AA : Tout le développement s’est fait sur deux ans, il y a donc eu beaucoup de hauts et de bas. J’habite en Nouvelle-Calédonie, ce n’est donc pas très facile de me procurer les nouvelles planches. Travailler avec l’équipe Goya est pour moi une expérience incroyable me permettant de voyager sur tous les spots de bonnes conditions et de rider avec toute l’équipe. D’un 50 noeuds en 3.4 à la rue à Hood River jusqu’aux conditions 4.4 classiques de Maui, et à Tarifa en Espagne, avec un plan d’eau aussi bien parfaitement plat que très clapoteux, la planche est reste au top.
Approuvé par le PWA World Tour.
Construction Pro, Full Carbone & Protection S-Glass.
Bio Résine.
Disponible en 84, 89, 99, 109 litres.
Boîtier Power box.
Disponible en Gris Clair & Rouge Pastel.
Full Sandwich Double Haute Densité.
99 liters.
The space below is yours to share your thoughts. Find existing reviews below. Asterisks denote required fields.
Hello. Pleased with my Goya Air Pro 109l 2022/2023. When is Goya Air Pro 2024 coming? What\'s new? Best regards /Kristian
Aloha Kristian,
Thank you for reaching out and for sharing your stoke on the board.
The team has been very stoked with the current Air, so our last 2022/2023 model will remain current Air in our line for another season.
We will continue prototyping, and the plan would be to have a new one for the following Spring or 2025.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or if there is anything that I can help you with.
All the best,
Here you can view Anotine's latest video on these boards.
Hi Community,
I would love to share my impressions of the new Air-Pro. I am sailing mostly on lakes and sometimes in the sea. I changed this year to the 109 model. I am so surprised how super fast I get planning with my 90kg. It has great pop for freestyle maneuvers. Even Freeriding on choppy lakes is great with this board. My beginning concerns about the cut-off tail are absolutely not necessary as it goes around fantastically. The look of it is just great. I would only love to see some matching colors/highlights in sail and board to make it the ultimate style machine in the future. @nullachtfifteen
cheers, Fabian
Hi Ralf,
Thank you so much for your feedback!
Wonderful to hear you’re among the many fans of the new line and its colors. One secret to the line is that while the colors are bold, the overall look is mature and simple. I agree with you, the Nitro came out amazing, and the Guru keeps getting better and better looking and performing with each season.
As those seasons go by, taste changes, and we’ve had a number of Freestylers commenting that the all too crazy colorful interpretations of the past were not so much what they are looking for anymore. And why would they? Freestyle is such an amazing discipline, it deserves to find its equally mature place. No need for every piece of Freestyle gear to max out the harlequin scale.
The 2022 Air Pro is uncompromisingly technical. In many ways, it’s the most uncompromising product in our portfolio, and as such, a very technical look seems absolutely fitting.
Color is a lot about personal taste. And there’s no arguing about that one. If you say gray is wrong, then gray is wrong. We’ve had a great number of very positive opinions on the Air Pro, and it also happens to be one of my personal favorites this season.
If the colors don’t convince you, maybe it’s still worth giving the board a spin, a test ride, just for the sake of its shape. After all, performance ALWAYS comes first with Goya, and it’s certainly true for this board. Then, if you like it, you can still blame us for “painting the darn thing gray”, especially since it might just turn out to be your favorite Freestyle board yet. 😉 I reckon that right there alone might be enough motivation to go back out time and again? 🙂
With the best wishes and a warm Aloha!
Bjoern (Product and Graphic Design for Goya Windsurfing, KT Surfing and Quatro)
Product Topic: Air Pro Design
Hi GOYA Team,
I immediately fell in love with the design and fresh new colors of the 2022 product line.
I can hardly wait to buy the Nitro and the new Guru.
In addition, I wanted to buy a freestyle board for a long time.
The more I was shocked by the color at the Air Pro: coal on gray. Why not also here fresh bright colors, maybe even several of them. That would reflect the spirit of freestyling.
I would never buy a gray board, it just does not motivate me.
Maybe you can change that on the 2023 model ?
I would be happy
Best regards,
I had a chance to try this board in Maui. It is unbelievably fast and light. It feels limitless. I used it with a 5.0 Eclipse.
I have the 99 Air and spend a great deal of time on it. This is my go to board for all over the Northwest of the continent (Oregon to BC Canada). I put a wave fin on it for side-shore wave sailing on Vancouver island and the Oregon coast as well. I can't wait to get an 89 because this will be the ultimate highwind gorge and coast board for me. I will run a 5m to 3.7m on this board and it should be explosive.
As much as I love carving up big waves on multi fin boards, I feel that having an Air model has the unlimited speed to do maneuvers and get big air. I weigh 205 lbs on a good week so having instant acceleration and limitless speed gets me where I want to go. I like to sail very much on the edge of control so I don't mind how fiercely fast and alive this board is. I prefer speed over control in most of the sailing that I do.
Because of its short length, it is very loose and turny. When we think of fast boards we automatically think of a race board that you would set a course on and let it fly but this little guy has a unique blend of allowing you to do that by locking in a speed stance and then once you back off on the power and stand back over it to turn - it will turn in an instant!
Just wanted to give you some feed back on the 2016 Air 89L that i recently revived.
On the water the first thing that that i noticed was how comfortable and smooth the board is, the chop is not an issue at all and no more getting sprayed in the face like other freestyle boards. With the board being much easier to manage at speed the top speed seams to never end. All of the moves can be entered with much more speed and the board stays solid the entire time no flutter, spin or tail walk. With so much more control and speed coming into the moves the pop is very direct and easy to send it for and air move or slide though for full planing exit. Leading into my favorite part of of the new Air, when transitioning from forward to backwards and backwards to forwards there is little to no hang time. There is no fighting the board to get out of a sideways stalled slide. Making it very easy be much faster though all of my tricks, and more consistent even in marginal conditions. So far i have used both 5.0 and 4.5 and love'd it every time. The new fin box makes for not only a lighter fin set up but the ability to tune the board and get it dialed in for different conditions, sails sizes and rider preference with ease. On top of everything the graphics are stunning, variable density pads provide great impact absorption while being firm enough to provide and direct and connect feel to the board. Over all this board is the next level for freestyle while providing an exhilarating ride.
Very happy with the new board and cant wait to get more time on it. as wells as try the other new boards and sails in the line up.
Rode the 89 litre Air in Maui this year and by the end of the day, just loved it.
Go buy one guys,, you will not be disappointed.
Hi Francisco,
I've never had so much fun in choppy conditions so far with a FREESTYLE Board!!!
Early planning, fast speed, nice sliding and jumping performance, and also good turning for classic jibing manoevers, it was also great for riding some waves with the mite of V-buttom shape, the result: it was awesome. Your Board made my day perfect!
The Board is still a allround Freestyle Weapon. For sure by low-wind conditions(like today with 4.8-my biggest sail) its a perfect partner for a great Freestyle Day!
Between the Waves I jumped easily(without any readjustment) Powermoves like Kono's or Culos, outside in the chop I could easily go for switchmoves.
It gaves me a direct riding feeling and control, thats really important for a Freestyle Board.
Overall - I'm suprised!
Tomorrow we will film some tricks with the Board, in the afternoon I will show you the results.
Seeyou 😉