Marcilio by Paul
The 115, 125 and 135 now come as Foil Ready constructions allowing the use of a hyrdofoil. The Bolt line focusses on increased widths that will primarily add to your average speed around the course while still focusing on top end performance with tail cut-outs and the infinite tail rocker acceleration our Bolts are known and praised for.
The Bolt is Francisco’s favorite approach on racing. Crazy fast but still accessible and easy, with a rocker that has an almost continuos flat section from behind the mast to the tail, with only the lightest release off the tail for pure speed and acceleration.
A concave deck drives the power of the rig lower and forward on the water. Generous tail cutouts bring flotation to lower speeds and reduce the wetted area on straight lines. The Bolt gets up and planing on the lightest breeze, and paces through gusts, allowing you to forcefully ride on the fin with direct control. The new outlines project you out of jibes like no other Freerace board.
Available in 95, 105, 115, 125, 135 liters.
Foil Ready: 115, 125, 135 liters.
Available in Pro Full Carbon Deck construction.
Available with a Tuttle finbox (95, 105) or Deep Tuttle Foil Ready finbox (115, 125, 135).
Available in black on metallic silver.
115 Liter Model
Fused Cell Core. Goya boards come with a Fused Cell Core made from EPS. Fused Cell Expanded Polystyrene is a high quality, low weight, rigid, closed cell foam used in advanced modern production boardmaking.
Hyper Skin HD. The entire board is covered in Hyper Skin HD. Hyper Skin is Goya’s proprietary High Density Foam Sandwich, delivering an immensely rigid structure at an extremely light weight. Covering deck, rails and bottom in it, gives Goya Pro boards their incomparable flex and longevity. A third stronger, stiffer and lighter than conventional boards.
Direct Drive Monocoque. The Direct Drive Monocoque connects your stance to the masttrack, supplying your board with the optimal ratio of stiffness to flex and distributing peak loads to the rest of the board. Additionally a triangular glass patch acts as a backbone to the core of your Freecarve, Freeride and Freerace board, making it stiff and eliminating primary distortions. It furthermore readies your board* to carry a hyrofoil. (* Bolt 115, 125, 135).
Full Carbon Deck. Biaxial Carbon is the perfect reinforcement for adding global torsional stiffness across the board. To add as much of it as possible while retaining a certain amount of desirable forgiving flex in our Freecarve, Freeride and Freerace boards we are covering the entire deck in it.
Build illustration.
Marcilio by Paul
115 Liter Model
Marcilio by Paul
115 Liter Model
Marcilio by Sofie
Jackson by Sofie
Jackson by Paul
The space below is yours to share your thoughts. Find existing reviews below. Asterisks denote required fields.
Foiling session ( with the brandnew 2020 Goya Bolt - 127 liter. Super happy with this board for both regular windsurfing and foiling.
Regular windsurfing: it planes early, the majority of volume in the back of the board gives confidence to step back and into the foot straps, and it goes fast! Board is light and gives that crisp feel on the water!
For foiling: again early planing quality helps to get up to that critical lift & release-speed. The 127 liter is also nice wide in the back (suits my NP glide wing well)
I surfed the bolt 105, 115 and 125 at Dunckerbeck Pro Center in Bonaire. The boards are absolutely amazing, super fast! Jibing with these boards is so easy and fun to do. The boards are very lightweight and jumps are easy to make. I liked the 115L the most because it holds up the best when there are a lot of small waves like on lac bay Bonaire.
Wow. Just Wow. What an amazing board.
I rented it for three ~20+ mph days at OBX. The Bolt 105 was instant fun. I put a 5.4m2 E-Type on it and was blasting out for miles away from shore immediately. Once I had the rental sail dialed in, I was the fastest person on the water. I was completing my jibes on the first tack. Before the end of the first day, I was planing away out of my duck jibes. The board was so easy to sail, yet it was super fast and maneuverable. With the 5.4 fully powered up, the board was very stable. I didn't have to pay attention at all. I had a well-chosen weed fin from my stash that paired well with the board. I have been sailing performance gear for decades. This is by far the most fun I have had on a mid-sized board. Amazing. It made the week. Oh, and landing high-speed skipping jumps (not going high) off the swell was a breeze. The tail never went out on me.
I sail with a lot of back foot pressure. This seemed to work well on the Bolt. The fin I was given was good, but I found the board did better with one of my own fins (Tangent Dynamics). They were similar in length/depth, but mine had less area and the leading edge was more vertical. When the board would spin out on me, my fin seemed to help the board catch back on track more naturally. The rental fin didn't do this for me.
(I also tried a Proton 116. I liked it as well, but for different reasons. In comparing the two, though, the Proton took a much more active approach to sailing. I had to pay more attention to my jibes -- setting the edge took more focus but rewarded with a very powerful turn. Once the Proton was on a plane, it was definitely faster than anything I've ever sailed in those types of conditions with a sail like the 7.3m2 S-Type. For a weekend warrior that likes to go fast, though, I would choose a Bolt over the Proton every time. The Proton didn't behave as well when not planing, for instance.)
I wish I could have tried the 95 and 115! And I really need to try this board on freshwater as that is where I will be doing most of my sailing for the time being.
I sailed the 2018 Bolt 115 and 125 at the Dunkerbeck ProCenter in Bonaire this past week and absolutely loved it! I've never had a board that was this easy and fast to get to plane – especially the 125l. To my opinion, it is a lot faster and more fun to sail than the SB Futura. I am sold and stoke! Cudos also for the Proton 136: even sailing in slightly higher wind than intended with only a Mark 7.2, this board was flying and remained easy to control and still great to jybe. Loved it! While the Mark are great sails, please design 2-camber freerace sail range! That would be an absolutely awesome combo with the Bolt collection.
Bought the 2018 135L for slalom and to start foiling. As a slalom board it sails as advertised. But as a foil board it has been amazing. I was thinking 115L but the Goya team advised me to go big, and that was the right choice. It allows me to more easily rig for the gusts. I've only had 14 days foiling so far, but can attest that the board is super fun to sail, crashes very softly, and holds up quite well to the abuses of foiling.
Today was pretty windy so I was on my 4,7 and 90ltr FSW. But the wind dropped significantly in the evening so I put the Bolt together with 4,7 and 38cm original fin which seemed to be horrible combination of gear but never mind. And I was impressed.
Very quick to plane. Easier than with Volar. If the Volar is freeride board on steroids then Bolt is Volar on steroids. Very nice jibing even with such a long fin. Very nice and soft riding through the chop. Very easy to keep nose down, but very easy to make some chop hops. Bord is much livelier than Volar and with higher top speed and and going upwind very easily. I could close and sheet in even on my 4,7 wave sail going upwind without significant loose of speed.
It is unbelievable how the board planes through the luls.
It was only 30min ride on underpowered 4,7 but this board is relly dream.
Thank you for your help
Best regards
El Martes me llegó la tabla 115 la usao en el Rio y me parece excelente opción , muy buena respuesta y maniobrabilidad.Yo la arme con 6,6 Mark
Y para me peso de 70 esta perfecto, creo que la qullia de 42 es un poco grande ,40 sería mejor.
Es la tabla del año , todos estaban pendientes de la performace.
Muy conteto con la compra
Really Fast and confortable board. Got one 95l for Gruissan (Fr)
Thanks to Lalo who recommend me this board at DefiWind !!
Cheers !!
Once again: Mahalo for this great board(s)!
Sunday I had the pleasure to be able to test the brand new Bolt 135 at Lake Walchensee. Thanks to Ralph from Freestyleworld for giving me the opportunity 🙂
It was just great. And I was really surprised about the speed of the board. On my second run I reached 29,5kn in very gusty conditions with a 9.3 freerace sail. Just cool.
My son is riding the Bolt 95 with sails between 5.0 - 6.3. What a dream for him. No problems to control in rough conditions.
Looking forward to complete our range of 95 and 115 with the new 135.
Servus & Hang Loose Niklas
Let's start with speed, the 105 is a quick little beast...35 knots with a 6.4 in the Gorge chop is some serious velocity. The thing is it doesn't feel fast, just comfortable. It's a deceptive board that feels super stiff both in construction and ride. It tracks true and doesn't change direction easily. Once you get acquainted with its characteristics you can start cranking the turns with gusto, drive hard and it will turn fast. The 105 carries speed easily on all points of sail. You have to fin it up to get it working, a 36cm Vector Volt seems sweet but the lack of nose rocker and tail up attitude takes some getting used to off the wind in the channel where steep swells and crazy chop live. Upwind speed is very impressive and it's so easy to sail. In an hour and half session I didn't drop a single jibe! Nice job Goya, can't wait to try the 95.
The Bolt just loves to jibe and goes pretty fast too : ) Have only tried Bolt 105 with 6.6 m sail so far and they match perfectly I'd say. Thanks to everybody involved in crafting this easy to use line of boards.
I want to inform you about the Goya Bolt. Maybe you already know, but this is a superb board range! Mega fast and controllable.
Now I have tested the Bolt 105, I'm just blown away.
Now I'm thinking of buying a full set of Bolt boards.
First jibe was a surprise! Then again, so was the first run. Both had me smiling. The board is fast, forgiving and, most of all, fun! Kudos to the team. Great product.
PS - Last summer, the Carreras were some of our best sellers. They made people realize Goya products are more than wave toys. The Bolt is doing the same - especially with the addition of the Mark. It's great to see you guys put in effort on the free-ride front and find success. It's deserved!
Big Winds
Hood River, Oregon
Looks like the Bolt is getting some rave reports in Europe! Yes, Bolt got very good qualifications and comments on Wind Magazine (France), Planche Mag (France) and Windsurfer (UK)
Pending to receive the results of test from Surfavela (Spain)
The board is qualified as: Light, exiting, the Goya’s Triumph, quality Free-ride, high speed sensations, physically light, incredibly responsive
All good.!! 🙂
Mahalo for this great board!
On Saturday I picked up my Bolt 115 at my local dealer On Sunday and Monday I had my first two impressing sessions.
I don`t like it, I LOVE IT.
On Sunday I took my Mark 8.5 and I have to find the perfect setup and maybe a bigger fin. Yesterday (Monday) the wind was a bit stronger and I choose my Mark 7.2. Wow, what a perfect combination. From the first second I felt as comfortable as I would have never had any other board before.
Get on board – fell the wind – get the power in the sail and the Bolt is releasing early and accelerating quickly.
The question is, who needs a difficult and hard to ride “slalom machine” if you can get the speed of it together with the easy and smooth handling of a freeride/freemove board. I don’t!
Maximum speed on my second session 28kn and just 85% power in the sail. There is a lot more possible.
I really hope more surfers will be able to test and surf the Bolt. I am sure they will refuse to give it back.
Servus & Hang Loose Niklas
Tried the 105 bolt as a demo board using a 5.6m full race 4 cam slalom sail at a relatively flat water sea venue in strong winds gusting 30 plus knots, after having used my own slalom board. Was struck by how fast it was, but also
how it smoothed out what chop there was, and how much more comfortable it was compared to the slalom board I currently own... If its light wind early planing ability is equally as good as its this board is going to sell like hotcakes once word gets out... Gybing is a dream on it...
The Goya Bolt 115 is a real Speedmachine! First try with a Banzai 5.0 Wavesail with a Vmax of 30,674 Knots. With the new Goya Mark it should go easily a few Knots higher.
Good news I picked up my bolt 115, Board looks fabulous. Have had a couple of sails on it now and am very pleased with it. I'am so glad I went for the bolt it's so fast ! Brilliant! !! Thank you.
"Dude that board is unreal, f..... perfect powered 4.8 day"
Hoy me han llegado las tablas y he podido estrenar la Bolt 105.
La he montado con la Mark 7.2 y es un equipo que funciona muy bien, es el tamaño correcto para esta tabla. Ahora tengo un equipo que arranca rápido y que tiene buena velocidad.
La tabla se nota muy corta al navegar, al principio se me hacia rara, pero cuando vas al largo se agradece, porque cuando bajas la ola no se clava.
La tabla es bastante técnica, la trasluchada és como de una tabla de slalom, pero cuando le coges el punto, sale como un cohete.
He hecho varios piques con turistas con material de slalom, y al largo los dejaba bastante atrás…pero no se si el nivel que tienen es muy bueno.
Creo que la aleta de 40 es demasiado grande, seria mejor 38, pero tengo que probarlo para estar seguro.
Ciñe mucho, he remontado el viento con mucha facilidad.
Realmente es una tabla que da muy buenas sensaciones, pero se necesita un poco de nivel para llevarla. La Carrera es mucho mas accesible
Supongo que en los test de las revistas va a salir con muy buena nota.
En la playa todo el mundo estaba pendiente de la tabla
Espero que mañana mas…..